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  1. import os
  2. import nuke
  3. import nukescripts
  4. import re
  5. import subprocess
  6. import tempfile
  7. #
  8. # numpy install:
  9. #
  10. '''noice [359aaa66] - the Arnold denoiser
  11. Usage: noice [options] ...
  12. -i, --input %s Input image, multiple images can be included for stability, only first input image will be denoised
  13. -ef, --extraframes %d Number of frames to pad before and after for temporal stability (0 - 2, default:0)
  14. -f, --frames %d Number of frames to denoise in the sequence (default:1)
  15. -fe, --feature %s Use this AOV as a denoising feature
  16. -pr, --patchradius %d Neighborhood patch radius, size of pixel neighborhood to compare (0 - 6, default:3)
  17. -sr, --searchradius %d Search radius, higher values mean a wider search for similar pixel neighborhoods (6 - 21, default:9)
  18. -v, --variance %f Variance threshold, higher values mean more aggressive denoising (0.0 - 1.0, default:0.25)
  19. -l, --aov %s Light AOV name to be co-denoised, multiple can be specified
  20. -o, --output %s Output image
  21. -t, --threads %d Number of threads (0: use all cores, negative numbers specify number of idle cores)
  22. -irgba,--ignore_rgba Ignore RGBA layer: will not denoise it or copy it to output file
  23. -n, --notices Print copyright notices'''
  24. class denoice(KellerNukePlugin):
  25. def configurePlugin(self):
  26. menubar ="Nuke")
  27. self.m = menubar.addMenu("&Render")
  28. self.m.addCommand('Denoise with Noice', 'import denoice; denoice.addPanel()')
  29. def unconfigurePlugin(self):
  30. self.m.removeItem("Denoise with Noice")
  31. #######################################################################################
  32. #
  33. # GLOBALS
  34. #
  35. #######################################################################################
  36. DISABLE_AOVS = ['albedo', 'default', 'variance', 'Matte', 'matte', 'Crypto', 'crypto', 'denoise_albedo', 'P', 'N', 'Z']
  37. # Muster
  38. MSTRSERVER = ""
  39. SUBMISSION_USER ="admin"
  40. PASSWORD = ""
  41. MRTOOL = "\\\\hades\\p\\env\\muster9\\Mrtool.exe"
  42. USERNAME = "admin"
  43. TEMPLATE = "2008"
  44. MUSTERFOLDER = "34758"
  45. POOL = "arnold_16thread"
  46. PSIZE = 1
  47. PRIO = 10
  48. def find_node_layers(node):
  49. node_channels = node.channels()
  50. store_layers = []
  51. for channel in node_channels:
  52. cut = channel.split(".")
  53. last = cut[0]
  54. store_layers.append(last)
  55. node_layers = list(set(store_layers))
  56. node_layers.sort()
  57. # put on top if rgb in layers
  58. if 'rgba' in node_layers:
  59. node_layers.remove("rgba")
  60. node_layers.insert(0, "rgba")
  61. return node_layers
  62. class denoicePanel(nukescripts.PythonPanel):
  63. def __init__(self):
  64. nukescripts.panels.PythonPanel.__init__(self, "KellerDenoicePanel", scrollable=True)
  65. self.node = nuke.selectedNode()
  66. self.nodeLayers = find_node_layers(self.node)
  67. self.layerKnobs = []
  68. # just disable layers
  69. disable = [lay for lay in self.nodeLayers if any(x in lay for x in DISABLE_AOVS)]
  70. num = len(self.nodeLayers)
  71. for layer in self.nodeLayers:
  72. self.layer = nuke.Boolean_Knob(layer, layer, True)
  73. self.layer.setFlag(nuke.STARTLINE)
  74. self.addKnob(self.layer)
  75. self.layerKnobs.append(self.layer)
  76. if layer in disable:
  77. self.layer.setValue(False)
  78. # interface selection
  79. self.div1 = nuke.Text_Knob("div1", " ", "")
  80. self.addKnob(self.div1)
  81. self.all = nuke.PyScript_Knob("select_all", " Select All ")
  82. self.addKnob(self.all)
  83. self.invert = nuke.PyScript_Knob("invert_selection", " Invert Selection ")
  84. self.addKnob(self.invert)
  85. self.clear = nuke.PyScript_Knob("clear_selection", " Clear Selection ")
  86. self.addKnob(self.clear)
  87. self.div2 = nuke.Text_Knob("div2", " ", "")
  88. self.addKnob(self.div2)
  89. # settings
  90. # variance
  91. self.variance = nuke.Double_Knob("variance", "Variance", arraysize=1)
  92. self.variance.setRange(0,1)
  93. self.variance.setTooltip(
  94. 'Default: 0.25\nThe strength of the filter is determined by the variance parameter, the higher the variance the more forceful the denoising will be. '
  95. 'For variance maybe 0.25 (the default) / 0.5 / 0.75 are good low/min/max values. How aggressive the Arnold denoiser is in removing noise can be controlled by '
  96. 'setting a variance threshold with the command line argument -variance (-v). The default value is 0.25, higher values will make the denoising more aggressive by '
  97. 'considering similar neighborhoods that have bigger color disparities.')
  98. self.addKnob(self.variance)
  99. self.variance.setValue(0.25)
  100. # patchradius
  101. self.patchradius = nuke.Int_Knob("patchradius", "Patchradius", arraysize=1)
  102. self.patchradius.setRange(0, 10)
  103. self.patchradius.setTooltip(
  104. 'Default: 3\nThis increases the softness of the denoising (while always preserving the features). The default is 3 (on the big side), but a low value would be maybe 0 or 1, middle 3, and high 5. '
  105. 'For every pixel, the Arnold denoiser will consider its neighborhood patch and look for other pixels with similar neighborhood patches. The radius of this neighborhood can be controlled with the -patchradius '
  106. ' (or -pr) command-line argument. The default value is set to 3, which gives a 7x7 square neighborhood.')
  107. self.addKnob(self.patchradius)
  108. self.patchradius.setValue(3)
  109. # searchradius
  110. self.searchradius = nuke.Int_Knob("searchradius", "Searchradius", arraysize=1)
  111. self.searchradius.setRange(0, 50)
  112. self.searchradius.setTooltip(
  113. 'Default: 9\nThis is the area over which similar neighborhoods are found. The higher the better, but it will increase '
  114. 'the cost of denoising. For every pixel noice will search a square area with a radius set with the '
  115. 'command line argument -searchradius (-sr). The bigger this area the bigger the denoising stability and '
  116. 'the higher the chance that similar neighborhoods to be considered will be found. The default value is 9, '
  117. 'which gives a 19x19 square neighborhood. Setting it to 21 (a search window of 42 x 42) will look over a '
  118. 'pixel area equivalent to loading 5 frames.')
  119. self.addKnob(self.searchradius)
  120. self.searchradius.setValue(9)
  121. # extraFrames
  122. self.temporalFrames = nuke.Int_Knob("temporalFrames", "ExtraFrames", arraysize=1)
  123. self.temporalFrames.setRange(0, 2)
  124. self.temporalFrames.setTooltip('This argument (-ef n or --extraframes n) specifies how many additional source frames before and after the current one should be used, for improved stability in animation sequences.\n(0-2. default:0)')
  125. self.addKnob(self.temporalFrames)
  126. self.temporalFrames.setValue(0)
  127. # threads
  128. self.threads = nuke.Int_Knob("threads", "Threads", arraysize=1)
  129. self.threads.setTooltip('Number of threads (0: use all cores, negative numbers specify number of idle cores)')
  130. self.addKnob(self.threads)
  131. self.threads.setValue(-2)
  132. # div
  133. self.div3 = nuke.Text_Knob("div3", " ", "")
  134. self.addKnob(self.div3)
  135. # filepatn in
  136. self.inputpath = nuke.File_Knob("input", "Input")
  137. self.addKnob(self.inputpath)
  138. self.inputpath.setTooltip('Needs to be in #### syntax. Not in %04d')
  139. self.inputpath.setValue(nuke.selectedNode().knobs()['file'].value().replace('%04d','####'))
  140. # filepath out
  141. self.outputpath = nuke.File_Knob("output", "Output")
  142. file = nuke.selectedNode().knobs()['file'].value().replace('%04d', '####')
  143. file = file.replace('####', 'denoise.####')
  144. self.outputpath.setValue(file)
  145. self.addKnob(self.outputpath)
  146. # set path
  147. self.setpath = nuke.PyScript_Knob("setpath", " Set Path ")
  148. self.layer.setFlag(nuke.STARTLINE)
  149. self.addKnob(self.setpath)
  150. # startframe
  151. self.startframe = nuke.Int_Knob("startframe", "Startframe")
  152. self.addKnob(self.startframe)
  153. # endframe
  154. self.endframe = nuke.Int_Knob("endframe", "Endframe")
  155. self.addKnob(self.endframe)
  156. self.endframe.clearFlag(nuke.STARTLINE)
  157. # set to input
  158. self.setToInput = nuke.PyScript_Knob("setToInput", " Set to Input ")
  159. self.addKnob(self.setToInput)
  160. selected = nuke.selectedNode()
  161. fr = selected.frameRange()
  162. start = fr.first()
  163. end = fr.last()
  164. self.startframe.setValue(start)
  165. self.endframe.setValue(end)
  166. self.setToInput.clearFlag(nuke.STARTLINE)
  167. # set framerange
  168. self.setFrameRange = nuke.PyScript_Knob("setFrameRange", " Set Framerange ")
  169. self.addKnob(self.setFrameRange)
  170. self.setFrameRange.clearFlag(nuke.STARTLINE)
  171. # filepath
  172. self.arnoldBinPath = nuke.File_Knob("arnoldBinPath", " Arnold Bin Path ")
  173. self.addKnob(self.arnoldBinPath)
  174. self.arnoldBinPath.setValue('$env(PROJECT_ROOT_3D)/000_env/arnold/_noice/bin/')
  175. self.arnoldBinPath.setTooltip('Please be sure to select the bin folder with a "/" at the end.')
  176. # div
  177. self.div4 = nuke.Text_Knob("div4", " ", "")
  178. self.addKnob(self.div4)
  179. # render mode
  180. self.renderChoice = nuke.Enumeration_Knob('renderChoice', 'Render On', ['muster', 'local_machine'])
  181. self.renderChoice.setTooltip('local_machine: creates a .bat file with all frames, saves it to the temp directory and runs it on the local machine.\nmuster: sends the job to muster.')
  182. self.addKnob(self.renderChoice)
  183. # muster pool
  184. self.musterPool = nuke.String_Knob("musterPool", "Muster Pool")
  185. self.musterPool.setValue(POOL)
  186. self.addKnob(self.musterPool)
  187. # muster pool
  188. self.musterFolder = nuke.String_Knob("musterFolder", "Muster Folder ID")
  189. self.musterFolder.setValue(MUSTERFOLDER)
  190. self.addKnob(self.musterFolder)
  191. # div
  192. self.div5 = nuke.Text_Knob("div5", " ", "")
  193. self.addKnob(self.div5)
  194. # window
  195. #height = len(self.layerKnobs) * 20
  196. height = 1200
  197. width = 800
  198. #if height > 1200:
  199. # width = 700
  200. # height = 1200
  201. self.setMinimumSize(width, height)
  202. #self.setMaximumSize(800, 1050)
  203. def knobChanged(self, knob):
  204. if == "select_all":
  205. for layer in self.layerKnobs:
  206. layer.setValue(True)
  207. if == "invert_selection":
  208. selected = []
  209. for layer in self.layerKnobs:
  210. if layer.value() is True:
  211. selected.append(layer)
  212. layer.setValue(False)
  213. inverse = list(set(self.layerKnobs).difference(set(selected)))
  214. for check in inverse:
  215. check.setValue(True)
  216. if == "clear_selection":
  217. for layer in self.layerKnobs:
  218. layer.setValue(False)
  219. if == "setToInput":
  220. selected = nuke.selectedNode()
  221. fr = selected.frameRange()
  222. start = fr.first()
  223. end = fr.last()
  224. self.startframe.setValue(start)
  225. self.endframe.setValue(end)
  226. if == "setFrameRange":
  227. self.startframe.setValue(int(nuke.root()['first_frame'].value()))
  228. self.endframe.setValue(int(nuke.root()['last_frame'].value()))
  229. if == "setpath":
  230. file = nuke.selectedNode().knobs()['file'].value().replace('%04d','####')
  231. file = file.replace('####','denoise.####')
  232. self.outputpath.setValue(file)
  233. if == "renderChoice":
  234. if self.renderChoice.value() == "local_machine":
  235. self.musterPool.setVisible(False)
  236. self.musterFolder.setVisible(False)
  237. if self.renderChoice.value() == "muster":
  238. self.musterPool.setVisible(True)
  239. self.musterFolder.setVisible(True)
  240. if == "OK":
  241. if self.renderChoice.value() == "local_machine":
  242. print('Denoising locally......')
  243. self.executeNoiceLocally()
  244. if self.renderChoice.value() == "muster":
  245. print('Denoising on Muster......')
  246. self.sendToMuster()
  247. def executeNoiceLocally(self):
  248. # saving selected aovs
  249. light_aov_names = []
  250. for layer in self.layerKnobs:
  251. if layer.value() is True:
  252. light_aov_names.append(
  253. binpath = self.arnoldBinPath.evaluate().replace('\\','/')
  254. filename_input_sequence_number = re.sub(r'#+', lambda m: r'{{:0{}d}}'.format(len(, self.inputpath.value().replace('%04d','####'))
  255. filename_output_sequence_number = re.sub(r'#+', lambda m: r'{{:0{}d}}'.format(len(, self.outputpath.value().replace('%04d','####'))
  256. command = ''
  257. for i in range(self.startframe.value(), self.endframe.value() + 1):
  258. light_aov_string = ""
  259. for k in light_aov_names:
  260. print('Denoice: Info. AOV: %s') % k
  261. light_aov_string += "-aov " + str(k) + " "
  262. command += '"' + binpath + '/noice.exe' + '"' + ' ' \
  263. + '-patchradius ' + str(self.patchradius.value()) + ' ' \
  264. + '-searchradius ' + str(self.searchradius.value()) + ' ' \
  265. + '-variance ' + str(self.variance.value()) + ' ' \
  266. + light_aov_string \
  267. + '-i ' + filename_input_sequence_number.format(i) + ' ' \
  268. + '-t ' + str(self.threads.value()) + ' ' \
  269. + '-ef ' + str(self.temporalFrames.value()) + ' ' \
  270. + '-output ' + filename_output_sequence_number.format(i)
  271. print('_________________________________________________________________________________________________')
  272. print('')
  273. print('--------------------------------> Denoise Command for Frame %s <---------------------------') %i
  274. print('_________________________________________________________________________________________________')
  275. print('')
  276. print('')
  277. print('')
  278. if i is not self.endframe.value():
  279. command += "\n"
  280. print(command)
  281. temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='Noice_', suffix='.bat', delete=False)
  282. temp.write(command)
  283. print('Created temp file is:',
  284. temp.close()
  285. filepath = 'cmd /c start "Denoice " "%s"'
  286. p =, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
  287. def fixfilename(self,infile):
  288. infile = infile.replace("p:/", "//hades/p/")
  289. infile = infile.replace("P:/", "//hades/p/")
  290. infile = infile.replace("o:/", "//calculon/o/")
  291. infile = infile.replace("O:/", "//calculon/o/")
  292. infile = infile.replace("/", "\\")
  293. return infile
  294. def sendToMuster(self):
  295. # jobname
  296. jobname = nuke.selectedNode().knobs()['file'].value().split("/")[-1].replace('.%04d.exr',"__denoise")
  297. # aovs
  298. # saving selected aovs
  299. light_aov_names = []
  300. light_aov_string = ""
  301. for layer in self.layerKnobs:
  302. if layer.value() is True:
  303. light_aov_names.append(
  304. for k in light_aov_names:
  305. print('Denoice: Info. AOV: %s') % k
  306. light_aov_string += "-l " + str(k) + " "
  307. light_aov_string = light_aov_string.rstrip()
  308. light_aov_string = '"' + light_aov_string + '"'
  309. a_bin_path = self.fixfilename(self.arnoldBinPath.evaluate())
  310. a_input_path = self.fixfilename(self.inputpath.evaluate().replace('%04d','####'))
  311. a_output_path = self.fixfilename(self.outputpath.evaluate().replace('%04d','####'))
  312. # building Command
  313. cmd = '%s -s %s -u %s -b -e %s -n %s' % (MRTOOL, MSTRSERVER, USERNAME, TEMPLATE, jobname)
  314. cmd += ' -pk %i -pr %i -pool "%s" -parent %i' % (int(PSIZE), int(PRIO), self.musterPool.value(), int(self.musterFolder.value()))
  315. cmd += ' -attr "NOICEBIN" %s 0' % a_bin_path
  316. cmd += ' -attr "PATCHRADIUS" %i 0' % int(self.patchradius.value())
  317. cmd += ' -attr "SEARCHRADIUS" %i 0' % int(self.searchradius.value())
  318. cmd += ' -attr "VARIANCE" %s 0' % self.variance.value()
  319. cmd += ' -sf %i' % int(self.startframe.value())
  320. cmd += ' -ef %i' % int(self.endframe.value())
  321. cmd += ' -bf %i' % 1
  322. cmd += ' -f %s' % a_input_path
  323. cmd += ' -attr "LIGHTAOVSTRING" %s 0' % light_aov_string
  324. cmd += ' -attr "TEMPORALFRAMES" %i 0' % int(self.temporalFrames.value())
  325. cmd += ' -attr "DENOISETHREADS" %i 0' % int(self.threads.value())
  326. cmd += ' -attr "OUTPUTFILE" %s 0' % a_output_path
  327. # send
  328. print (cmd)
  329. print (os.system(cmd))
  330. return
  331. def addPanel():
  332. try:
  333. selected = nuke.selectedNode()
  334. except:
  335. nuke.message("Denoice: Error. Please select a Read node with EXR file")
  336. return
  337. if selected.Class() == "Read":
  338. if os.path.splitext(selected["file"].value())[1] == ".exr":
  339. launch_panel = denoicePanel()
  340. launch_panel.showModalDialog()
  341. else:
  342. nuke.message("Denoice: Error. Please select a Read node with EXR file")
  343. else:
  344. nuke.message("Denoice: Error. Please select a Read node")