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LensSim.gizmo 7.0KB

  1. #! /usr/local/Nuke6.1v1/Nuke6.1 -nx
  2. version 6.1 v1
  3. Gizmo {
  4. addUserKnob {20 LensSim t "Quick tool to add some level of 'lens simulation' to any image, preferably CG imagery. You would want to match lens irregularities to the camera that was used to shoot you plates or a target camera look."}
  5. addUserKnob {20 Diffusion n 1}
  6. Diffusion 0
  7. addUserKnob {41 Amount t "Amount of softness (blur radius). Blurs the image then subtracks this from itself, then adds back on to the original, giving the appearance of soft edges through contrasty junctions." T Blur9.size}
  8. addUserKnob {41 DiffContribution l Contribution t "The amount of mix contribution of the diffusion treatment." T Merge37.mix}
  9. addUserKnob {6 diffonoff l Disable +STARTLINE}
  10. addUserKnob {20 endGroup n -1}
  11. addUserKnob {20 ChromaticAbberation l "Chromatic Abberation" n 1}
  12. ChromaticAbberation 0
  13. addUserKnob {41 ChromAbContribution l Contribution T Dissolve3.which}
  14. addUserKnob {6 CAoff l Disable +STARTLINE}
  15. addUserKnob {20 endGroup_1 l endGroup n -1}
  16. addUserKnob {20 Glints n 1}
  17. Glints 0
  18. addUserKnob {41 GlintsContribution l Contribution T Dissolve2.which}
  19. addUserKnob {6 goff l Disable +STARTLINE}
  20. addUserKnob {20 endGroup_2 l endGroup n -1}
  21. addUserKnob {20 ProMist n 1}
  22. ProMist 0
  23. addUserKnob {41 PMContribution l Contribution t "Default of 0.12 shouldn't have to be modified." T Merge42.mix}
  24. addUserKnob {6 pmoff l Disable +STARTLINE}
  25. addUserKnob {20 endGroup_3 l endGroup n -1}
  26. addUserKnob {20 Vignette n 1}
  27. Vignette 0
  28. addUserKnob {41 multiply l Amount t "Default value of 0.86 should work fine in most cases." T Grade1.multiply}
  29. addUserKnob {6 voff l Disable +STARTLINE}
  30. addUserKnob {20 endGroup_5 l endGroup n -1}
  31. addUserKnob {6 lensD l "Lens Distortion" +STARTLINE}
  32. lensD true
  33. }
  34. Input {
  35. inputs 0
  36. name Input1
  37. xpos 510
  38. ypos -663
  39. }
  40. Dot {
  41. name Dot29
  42. xpos 544
  43. ypos -558
  44. }
  45. set N21f8f4f0 [stack 0]
  46. push $N21f8f4f0
  47. Dot {
  48. name Dot30
  49. xpos 654
  50. ypos -558
  51. }
  52. set Ned8c7680 [stack 0]
  53. Dot {
  54. name Dot31
  55. xpos 874
  56. ypos -558
  57. }
  58. Blur {
  59. channels rgba
  60. size 1.1
  61. name Blur9
  62. xpos 840
  63. ypos -465
  64. }
  65. push $Ned8c7680
  66. Merge2 {
  67. inputs 2
  68. operation minus
  69. name Merge36
  70. xpos 620
  71. ypos -465
  72. }
  73. Dot {
  74. name Dot33
  75. xpos 654
  76. ypos -390
  77. }
  78. push $N21f8f4f0
  79. Merge2 {
  80. inputs 2
  81. operation plus
  82. name Merge37
  83. xpos 567
  84. ypos -384
  85. }
  86. Switch {
  87. inputs 2
  88. which {{diffonoff i}}
  89. name Switch2
  90. xpos 510
  91. ypos -275
  92. }
  93. Dot {
  94. name Dot34
  95. xpos 544
  96. ypos -198
  97. }
  98. set Ned6bb9d0 [stack 0]
  99. Dot {
  100. name Dot2
  101. xpos 387
  102. ypos 26
  103. }
  104. set Nc9e34430 [stack 0]
  105. push $Ned6bb9d0
  106. Dot {
  107. name Dot35
  108. xpos 874
  109. ypos -198
  110. }
  111. Clamp {
  112. minimum 1
  113. maximum {{minimum.main i}}
  114. MinClampTo_enable true
  115. MaxClampTo_enable true
  116. name Clamp1
  117. xpos 840
  118. ypos 137
  119. }
  120. set Nc9e69ec0 [stack 0]
  121. push $Ned6bb9d0
  122. GodRays {
  123. channels {}
  124. scale 1.003
  125. center {{width/2} {height/2}}
  126. name GodRays4
  127. xpos 730
  128. ypos -129
  129. }
  130. GodRays {
  131. channels {}
  132. scale 0.997
  133. center {{width/2} {height/2}}
  134. name GodRays5
  135. xpos 730
  136. ypos -79
  137. addUserKnob {20 User}
  138. addUserKnob {4 sasdasd M {Read1 ""}}
  139. }
  140. GodRays {
  141. center {{width/2 x1 0} {height/2 x1 0}}
  142. name GodRays6
  143. xpos 730
  144. ypos -36
  145. addUserKnob {20 User}
  146. addUserKnob {7 mult}
  147. mult 1
  148. }
  149. Blur {
  150. size 0.6
  151. name Blur2
  152. xpos 730
  153. ypos 16
  154. }
  155. Grade {
  156. name Grade51
  157. xpos 730
  158. ypos 75
  159. }
  160. push $Ned6bb9d0
  161. GodRays {
  162. channels {}
  163. scale 1.0015
  164. center {{width/2 i} {height/2 i}}
  165. name GodRays1
  166. xpos 510
  167. ypos -90
  168. }
  169. GodRays {
  170. channels {}
  171. scale 0.9985
  172. center {{width/2} {height/2}}
  173. name GodRays2
  174. xpos 510
  175. ypos -36
  176. addUserKnob {20 User}
  177. addUserKnob {4 sasdasd M {Read1 ""}}
  178. }
  179. GodRays {
  180. center {{width/2} {height/2}}
  181. name GodRays3
  182. xpos 510
  183. ypos 13
  184. addUserKnob {20 User}
  185. addUserKnob {7 mult}
  186. mult 1
  187. }
  188. Blur {
  189. size 0.6
  190. name Blur1
  191. xpos 510
  192. ypos 64
  193. }
  194. Keymix {
  195. inputs 3
  196. maskChannel
  197. name Keymix5
  198. xpos 510
  199. ypos 137
  200. }
  201. push $Nc9e34430
  202. Dissolve {
  203. inputs 2
  204. which 1
  205. name Dissolve3
  206. xpos 515
  207. ypos 180
  208. }
  209. Switch {
  210. inputs 2
  211. which {{CAoff i}}
  212. name Switch3
  213. xpos 510
  214. ypos 229
  215. }
  216. set Nc86df340 [stack 0]
  217. Dot {
  218. name Dot1
  219. xpos 434
  220. ypos 330
  221. }
  222. set Nedc76550 [stack 0]
  223. push $Nc9e69ec0
  224. Dot {
  225. name Dot36
  226. xpos 874
  227. ypos 282
  228. }
  229. set Nc9935b70 [stack 0]
  230. Dot {
  231. name Dot37
  232. xpos 874
  233. ypos 354
  234. }
  235. Glint {
  236. length 32
  237. rotation 90
  238. to_color {0.02136000432 0.05999999866 0 0}
  239. name Glint3
  240. xpos 730
  241. ypos 346
  242. }
  243. Blur {
  244. channels rgba
  245. size 2.5
  246. name Blur12
  247. xpos 620
  248. ypos 351
  249. }
  250. push $Nc9935b70
  251. Glint {
  252. length 32
  253. to_color {0.05999999866 0.02231999859 0 0}
  254. name Glint4
  255. xpos 730
  256. ypos 272
  257. }
  258. Blur {
  259. channels rgba
  260. size 2.5
  261. name Blur16
  262. xpos 620
  263. ypos 277
  264. }
  265. push $Nc86df340
  266. Merge2 {
  267. inputs 2
  268. operation plus
  269. bbox B
  270. mix 0.055
  271. name Merge39
  272. xpos 510
  273. ypos 277
  274. }
  275. Merge2 {
  276. inputs 2
  277. operation plus
  278. bbox B
  279. mix 0.055
  280. name Merge40
  281. xpos 510
  282. ypos 351
  283. }
  284. push $Nedc76550
  285. Dissolve {
  286. inputs 2
  287. which 1
  288. name Dissolve2
  289. xpos 510
  290. ypos 390
  291. }
  292. Switch {
  293. inputs 2
  294. which {{goff i}}
  295. name Switch4
  296. xpos 510
  297. ypos 470
  298. }
  299. Dot {
  300. name Dot38
  301. xpos 544
  302. ypos 498
  303. }
  304. set Nc8b74a80 [stack 0]
  305. Dot {
  306. name Dot3
  307. xpos 669
  308. ypos 606
  309. }
  310. push $Nc8b74a80
  311. Crop {
  312. box {{curve i} {curve i} {width i} {height i}}
  313. crop false
  314. name Crop5
  315. xpos 400
  316. ypos 495
  317. }
  318. Grade {
  319. blackpoint 0.27
  320. name Grade52
  321. xpos 400
  322. ypos 519
  323. }
  324. set Ned2ab1f0 [stack 0]
  325. Blur {
  326. channels rgba
  327. size 100
  328. crop false
  329. name Blur23
  330. xpos 428
  331. ypos 565
  332. }
  333. push $Ned2ab1f0
  334. Blur {
  335. channels rgba
  336. size 33
  337. name Blur24
  338. xpos 290
  339. ypos 565
  340. }
  341. Dissolve {
  342. inputs 2
  343. which 0.5
  344. name Dissolve1
  345. xpos 400
  346. ypos 610
  347. }
  348. push $Nc8b74a80
  349. Merge2 {
  350. inputs 2
  351. operation plus
  352. bbox B
  353. mix 0.12
  354. name Merge42
  355. xpos 510
  356. ypos 617
  357. }
  358. Switch {
  359. inputs 2
  360. which {{pmoff}}
  361. name Switch5
  362. xpos 510
  363. ypos 685
  364. }
  365. set N23683d50 [stack 0]
  366. Dot {
  367. name Dot4
  368. xpos 444
  369. ypos 874
  370. }
  371. push $N23683d50
  372. Shuffle {
  373. red black
  374. green black
  375. blue black
  376. alpha black
  377. name Shuffle1
  378. xpos 730
  379. ypos 781
  380. }
  381. Radial {
  382. area {{curve i} {curve i} {width i} {height i}}
  383. softness 0.45
  384. name Radial1
  385. xpos 730
  386. ypos 877
  387. }
  388. push $N23683d50
  389. Grade {
  390. inputs 1+1
  391. multiply 0.62
  392. invert_mask true
  393. name Grade1
  394. xpos 510
  395. ypos 877
  396. }
  397. Switch {
  398. inputs 2
  399. which {{voff i}}
  400. name Switch6
  401. xpos 510
  402. ypos 949
  403. }
  404. set Ncaa2b8e0 [stack 0]
  405. LensDistortion1_0 {
  406. serializeKnob ""
  407. serialiseKnob "22 serialization::archive 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0"
  408. distortion1 0.021
  409. cardScale {1.021931171 1.021931171 1}
  410. a -0.004597531166
  411. b -0.0132312309
  412. c -0.004608212039
  413. name LensDistortion1
  414. xpos 424
  415. ypos 1036
  416. }
  417. push $Ncaa2b8e0
  418. Switch {
  419. inputs 2
  420. which {{lensD i}}
  421. name Switch1
  422. xpos 510
  423. ypos 1124
  424. }
  425. Reformat {
  426. name Reformat1
  427. xpos 510
  428. ypos 1165
  429. }
  430. set N60aeb270 [stack 0]
  431. Output {
  432. name Output1
  433. xpos 510
  434. ypos 1237
  435. }
  436. push $Ncaa2b8e0
  437. push $N60aeb270
  438. Viewer {
  439. inputs 2
  440. fps 25
  441. center_fstop 0
  442. input_process false
  443. name Viewer1
  444. selected true
  445. xpos 1163
  446. ypos -259
  447. }
  448. end_group