123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278 |
- ########################################################################
- ### PROXY TOOLS 1.0
- ### by Brian Willard
- ### mybikeislost@gmail.com
- ###
- ### Generates reformat and write nodes for rendering proxies on a farm
- ### option to process all read nodes, selected read nodes, or all quicktime files in a script
- ### reads metadata to determine filetype to handle quicktime files with and without and extension.
- ### process sequences proxy subfolders
- ### option to create a read node that reflects the new proxy/fullres path
- ### TODO: add support for r3d files
- ###
- ###
- ########################################################################
- import re
- import os
- import sys
- import nuke
- import nukescripts
- def proxyTools():
- def _buildPROXIES(selection, processPlates, createRead, formatFullVal, formatProxyVal, formatProxySizeVal):
- print '\n######## PROXYTOOLS Variables ########\n'
- print 'selection: ' +selection
- print 'processPlates: ' +processPlates
- print 'createRead: ' +str(createRead)
- print 'formatFullVal: ' +formatFullVal
- print 'formatProxyVal: ' +formatProxyVal
- print 'formatProxySizeVal: ' +formatProxySizeVal
- print '\n###############################\n'
- ### Figure out what we're rendering and build a list (all, selected, quicktime)
- readlist = []
- if selection ==('selected'):
- readlist= [i for i in nuke.selectedNodes() if i.Class() =='Read']
- if readlist ==[]:
- nuke.message('no Read nodes selected!')
- return
- if selection == ('all'):
- readlist= [i for i in nuke.allNodes() if i.Class() =='Read']
- if selection == ('quicktime'):
- readlist = [i for i in nuke.allNodes() if i.metadata('input/filereader') == 'QuickTime']
- ### Figure out if we're rendering fullres, proxies, or both
- if processPlates == 'both':
- processProxy = True
- processFull = True
- print 'rendering Proxy and FullRes'
- if processPlates == 'proxy':
- processFull = False
- processProxy = True
- print 'rendering Proxy only'
- if processPlates == 'full':
- processFull = True
- processProxy = False
- print 'rendering FullRes only'
- if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
- pathslash = ('\\')
- else:
- pathslash = ('/')
- for i in readlist:
- curNode = i
- truncpath = i.knob('file').value().rfind(pathslash)
- truncfile = i.knob('file').value().rfind('.mov')
- dirpath = i.knob('file').value()[:truncpath]
- print '\n######## Begin ' +i.name() + ' ########\n'
- ### Get filename and padding info from source knob
- if i.metadata('input/filereader') == 'QuickTime':
- filetype='quicktime'
- filepath = i.knob('file').getValue('fileName')
- filename = os.path.splitext(i.knob('file').getValue('fileName').split(pathslash)[-1])[-2]
- padding = 4
- print 'source file is a quicktime '
- fullFmt = str(int((i.format().width()))) +'x' +str(int((i.format().height())))
- print 'filepath: ' +filepath
- print 'filename: ' +filename
- print 'fullFmt: ' +fullFmt
- resFolder = False
- else:
- filetype='imgSequence'
- filepath = i.knob('file').getValue('fileName')
- filename =(i.knob('file').getValue('fileName')).split('.')[-3].split(pathslash)[-1]
- parentfolder = (i.knob('file').getValue('fileName')).split('.')[-3].split(pathslash)[-2]
- fullFmt = str(int((i.format().width()))) +'x' +str(int((i.format().height())))
- print 'source file is an image sequence'
- print 'filepath: ' +filepath
- print 'filename: ' +filename
- print 'parentfolder: ' +parentfolder
- print 'fullFmt: ' +fullFmt
- if parentfolder == fullFmt:
- resFolder = True
- print 'we are in a resolution folder, rendering 1 level up'
- dirpath = os.sep.join(dirpath.split(pathslash)[:-1])
- print 'adjusted output path is: ' +dirpath
- else:
- resFolder = False
- print 'fullres not in a format folder, creating sub folders'
- #print 'adjusted output path is: ' +dirpath
- number = re.search('(%+\d+d)|(#+)|(%d)' , filepath)
- if number:
- padding = len(number.group(1))
- path = i.knob('file').value()
- if path.find('rnd'):
- os.path.basename(path)
- foldername = filename + '_IMG'
- # try:
- # os.mkdir(dirpath +pathslash +foldername)
- # except OSError: pass
- ######################################################
- ### FILTER TYPES BY PROXY RASTER: Full (Impulse), half (Cubic), quarter (Cubic)
- ###
- ######################################################
- if processProxy == True:
- m = nuke.createNode('Reformat', inpanel = False)
- m.setInput(0,i)
- m.setXYpos((int(i.knob('xpos').value())), (int(i.knob('ypos').value())+125))
- m.knob('type').setValue('scale')
- if formatProxySizeVal ==('full'):
- sizeVal = 1.0
- m.knob('filter').setValue('Impulse')
- elif formatProxySizeVal ==('half'):
- sizeVal = 0.5
- m.knob('filter').setValue('Cubic')
- elif formatProxySizeVal ==('quarter'):
- sizeVal = 0.25
- m.knob('filter').setValue('Cubic')
- m.knob('scale').setValue(sizeVal)
- m.knob('label').setValue('Filter: '+ m.knob('filter').value()+ '\nProxy Size: ' +formatProxySizeVal)
- n = nuke.createNode('Write', inpanel=False)
- n.setXYpos((int(m.knob('xpos').value())), (int(m.knob('ypos').value())+50))
- proxyFmt = str(int((i.format().width())*sizeVal)) +'x' +str(int((i.format().height())*sizeVal))
- print 'proxyFmt: ' +proxyFmt
- if formatProxyVal ==('exr'):
- if resFolder == True:
- n.knob('file').setValue(dirpath +pathslash +proxyFmt +pathslash + filename +'.' + '%0'+str(padding)+'d.exr')
- else:
- n.knob('file').setValue(dirpath +pathslash + foldername +pathslash +proxyFmt +pathslash + filename +'.' + '%0'+str(padding)+'d.exr')
- n.knob('file_type').setValue('exr')
- n.knob('channels').setValue('all')
- n.knob('colorspace').setValue(int(i.knob('colorspace').getValue()))
- n.knob('premultiplied').setValue(i.knob('premultiplied').value())
- n.knob('raw').setValue(i.knob('raw').value())
- n.knob('stereo').setValue(False)
- elif formatProxyVal ==('jpeg'):
- n.knob('file_type').setValue('jpeg')
- n.knob('channels').setValue('all')
- n.knob('_jpeg_quality').setValue(0.97)
- if resFolder == True:
- n.knob('file').setValue(dirpath +pathslash +proxyFmt +pathslash + filename +'.' + '%0'+str(padding)+'d.jpg')
- else:
- n.knob('file').setValue(dirpath +pathslash + foldername +pathslash +proxyFmt +pathslash + filename +'.' + '%0'+str(padding)+'d.jpg')
- n.knob('disable').setExpression('!inrange(frame, '+ str(i.knob('first').value()) + ', ' + str(i.knob('last').value()) + ')',0)
- n.knob('label').setValue('PROXY \n Format: ' + proxyFmt)
- print 'Proxy output: ' +n.knob('file').getValue()
- ######################################################
- ###
- ###
- ######################################################
- #move 'dot' up in DAG
- if processFull == True:
- d = nuke.createNode('Dot', inpanel=False)
- d.setInput(0,i)
- d.setXYpos((int(i.knob('xpos').value())+160), (int(i.knob('ypos').value())+45))
- o = nuke.createNode('Write', inpanel=False)
- o.setInput(0,d)
- o.setXYpos((int(d.knob('xpos').value()-33)), (int(d.knob('ypos').value())+120))
- fullFmt = str(o.format().width()) +'x' +str(o.format().height())
- if formatFullVal ==('exr'):
- o.knob('file_type').setValue('exr')
- o.knob('channels').setValue('all')
- o.knob('colorspace').setValue(int(i.knob('colorspace').getValue()))
- o.knob('premultiplied').setValue(i.knob('premultiplied').value())
- if resFolder == True:
- o.knob('file').setValue(dirpath+pathslash +fullFmt +pathslash + filename +'.' + '%0'+str(padding)+'d.exr')
- else:
- o.knob('file').setValue(dirpath+pathslash + foldername +pathslash +fullFmt +pathslash + filename +'.' + '%0'+str(padding)+'d.exr')
- o.knob('raw').setValue(i.knob('raw').value())
- o.knob('stereo').setValue(False)
- elif formatFullVal ==('jpeg'):
- o.knob('file_type').setValue('jpeg')
- o.knob('channels').setValue('all')
- o.knob('_jpeg_quality').setValue(0.97)
- o.knob('file').setValue(dirpath+pathslash + foldername +pathslash +fullFmt +pathslash + filename +'.' + '%0'+str(padding)+'d.jpg')
- o.knob('label').setValue('FULL \n Format: [value format.w]x[value format.h]')
- o.knob('disable').setExpression('!inrange(frame, '+ str(i.knob('first').value()) + ', ' + str(i.knob('last').value()) + ')',0)
- print 'FullRes output: ' +o.knob('file').getValue()
- ######################################################
- ###
- ###
- ######################################################
- if createRead == True:
- p = nuke.createNode('Read', inpanel = False)
- print '\n#### generating ' +p.name() +'####\n'
- if processFull== True:
- p.knob('file').setValue((o.knob('file').getValue('fileName')))
- else:
- p.knob('file').setValue((i.knob('file').getValue('fileName')))
- print 'file path: ' +p.knob('file').getValue('fileName')
- if processProxy == True:
- p.knob('proxy').setValue((n.knob('file').getValue('fileName')))
- print 'proxy path: ' +p.knob('proxy').getValue('fileName')
- p.knob('first').setValue(int(i.knob('first').value()))
- p.knob('last').setValue(int(i.knob('last').value()))
- p.knob('first').setValue(int(i.knob('origfirst').value()))
- p.knob('origlast').setValue(int(i.knob('origlast').value()))
- p.setXYpos((int(i.knob('xpos').value())), (int(i.knob('ypos').value())+300))
- print '\n######## Finished ' +i.name() + ' ########\n'
- class ProxyToolsPanel(nukescripts.PythonPanel):
- def __init__(self):
- nukescripts.PythonPanel.__init__(self, 'Proxy Tools v1.0', 'com.mybikeislost.ProxyTools')
- ### Create KNOBS
- self.processSelectionKnob = nuke.Enumeration_Knob('processSelection', 'Process Reads:', ['all', 'selected', 'quicktime'])
- self.processPlatesKnob = nuke.Enumeration_Knob('processPlates', 'Process Plates:', ['both', 'full', 'proxy'])
- self.createReadKnob = nuke.Boolean_Knob('create write node with our full/proxy paths from above', 'Create Read')
- self.dividerKnob = nuke.Text_Knob('div name','','')
- self.formatFullKnob = nuke.Enumeration_Knob('format', 'Full Res Format', ['exr', 'jpeg'])
- self.dividerKnob2 = nuke.Text_Knob('div name','','')
- self.formatProxyKnob = nuke.Enumeration_Knob('proxy_Format', 'Proxy Format:', ['jpeg', 'exr'])
- self.proxySizeKnob = nuke.Enumeration_Knob('proxy_Size', 'Proxy Size:', ['half', 'full', 'quarter'])
- self.dividerKnob3 = nuke.Text_Knob('div name','','')
- for k in ( self.processSelectionKnob, self.processPlatesKnob, self.createReadKnob, self.dividerKnob, self.formatFullKnob, self.dividerKnob2, self.formatProxyKnob, self.proxySizeKnob, self.dividerKnob3 ):
- self.addKnob( k )
- def showModalDialog(self):
- result = nukescripts.PythonPanel.showModalDialog(self)
- if result:
- selection = str(self.processSelectionKnob.value())
- processPlates = str(self.processPlatesKnob.value())
- createRead = self.createReadKnob.value()
- formatFullVal =str(self.formatFullKnob.value())
- formatProxyVal = self.formatProxyKnob.value()
- formatProxySizeVal = str(self.proxySizeKnob.value())
- _buildPROXIES(selection, processPlates, createRead, formatFullVal, formatProxyVal, formatProxySizeVal)
- def showProxyTools():
- ProxyToolsPanel().showModalDialog()
- showProxyTools()