import os import nuke # # "Make Write from Read" v 1.2 # Written by Hakan Blomdahl # how to install: # # import makewritefromread # # # Add extra Tools menu #"Nuke") # m=mymenubar.addMenu("Tools") # # # Create Tools menu for right click menu: # nodetoolbar ="Nodes") # t=nodetoolbar.addMenu("Tools") # # m.addCommand("Make Write of Read...", 'makewritefromread.make_write_from_read()', '') # t.addCommand("Make Write of Read...", 'makewritefromread.make_write_from_read()', '') def find_upstream_node( matchclass=None, startnode=None ): """ In the simplest way possible, this function will go upstream and find the first node matching the specified class. """ if matchclass == None: return None # if startnode == None: return None # if startnode.Class() == matchclass: return startnode else: return find_upstream_node( matchclass=matchclass, startnode=startnode.input( 0 ) ) # # def make_write_from_read(): """ This method will assist automated creation of Write-nodes, using the filename of upstream Read-nodes. Typical scenario: 1. Drop in a bunch of still images. 2. Foreach image add some, for example, Grade-nodes and fix a good look. 3. Now select all grade-nodes and run this script. 4. The script will look for an upstream Read-node and use that filename for creation of write nodes. The panel that presents itself will allow you to modify that filename or path. """ if len( nuke.selectedNodes() ) < 1: return # readNodeLut = {} # Build Lookup for each selected node. for tmpNode in nuke.selectedNodes(): readNode = find_upstream_node( matchclass="Read", startnode=tmpNode ) if readNode: readNodeLut[tmpNode] = readNode # # # autocrop true if len( readNodeLut ) < 1: return # formatList = [] formatList.append( "nochange" ) formatList.append( "jpeg" ) formatList.append( "tiff" ) formatList.append( "exr" ) formatList.append( "dpx" ) formatList.append( "png" ) formatList.append( "tga" ) tiffDatatypeList = [] tiffDatatypeList.append( '"16 bit"' ) tiffDatatypeList.append( '"8 bit"' ) tiffDatatypeList.append( '"32 bit float"' ) tiffCompressionList = [] tiffCompressionList.append( '"LZW"' ) tiffCompressionList.append( '"none"' ) tiffCompressionList.append( '"Deflate"' ) tiffCompressionList.append( '"PackBits"' ) tgaCompressionList = [] tgaCompressionList.append( '"none"' ) tgaCompressionList.append( '"RLE"' ) exrDatatypeList = [] exrDatatypeList.append( '"16 bit half"' ) exrDatatypeList.append( '"32 bit float"' ) exrCompressionList = [] exrCompressionList.append( '"Zip (1 scanline)"' ) # cg and lots of black exrCompressionList.append( '"Zip (16 scanlines)"' ) # cg and lots of black exrCompressionList.append( '"PIZ Wavelet (32 scanlines)"' ) # good grainy images exrCompressionList.append( '"RLE"' ) exrCompressionList.append( '"B44"' ) exrCompressionList.append( '"none"' ) jpegQualityList = [] jpegQualityList.append( "1.0" ) jpegQualityList.append( "0.9" ) jpegQualityList.append( "0.8" ) jpegQualityList.append( "0.7" ) jpegQualityList.append( "0.6" ) jpegQualityList.append( "0.5" ) jpegQualityList.append( "0.4" ) jpegQualityList.append( "0.3" ) jpegQualityList.append( "0.2" ) jpegQualityList.append( "0.1" ) formatPulldown = " ".join( formatList ) jpegQualityPulldown = " ".join( jpegQualityList ) tiffDatatypePulldown = " ".join( tiffDatatypeList ) tiffCompressionPulldown = " ".join( tiffCompressionList ) tgaCompressionPulldown = " ".join( tgaCompressionList ) exrDatatypePulldown = " ".join( exrDatatypeList ) exrCompressionPulldown = " ".join( exrCompressionList ) addPrefix = "" addPostfix = "" addPath = "" #autocrop = "" addPathHandle = "Path add-on (relative or absolute):" addPrefixHandle = "Prefix (added in front of the filename):" addPostfixHandle = "Suffix (inserted before the extension):" formatPulldownHandle = "Format:" jpegQualityPulldownHandle = "Jpeg Quality:" tiffDatatypePulldownHandle = "TIFF Datatype:" tiffCompressionPulldownHandle = "TIFF Compression:" tgaCompressionPulldownHandle = "TGA Compression:" exrDatatypePulldownHandle = "EXR Datatype:" exrCompressionPulldownHandle = "EXR Compression:" exrAutocropHandle = "Autocrop -> DataWindow" p = nuke.Panel("Make Write of Read") p.addSingleLineInput(addPathHandle, addPath ) p.addSingleLineInput(addPrefixHandle, addPrefix ) p.addSingleLineInput(addPostfixHandle, addPostfix ) p.addEnumerationPulldown(formatPulldownHandle, formatPulldown ) p.addEnumerationPulldown(jpegQualityPulldownHandle, jpegQualityPulldown ) p.addEnumerationPulldown(tiffDatatypePulldownHandle, tiffDatatypePulldown ) p.addEnumerationPulldown(tiffCompressionPulldownHandle, tiffCompressionPulldown ) p.addEnumerationPulldown(tgaCompressionPulldownHandle, tgaCompressionPulldown ) p.addEnumerationPulldown(exrDatatypePulldownHandle, exrDatatypePulldown ) p.addEnumerationPulldown(exrCompressionPulldownHandle, exrCompressionPulldown ) p.addBooleanCheckBox(exrAutocropHandle, 1 ) p.addButton("Cancel") p.addButton("OK") result = #if ok is clicked, panel will return 1 otherwise 0 if result: pass else: return None # # Get Values from enumeration objects. selectedFormat = p.value(formatPulldownHandle) selectedJpegQuality = p.value(jpegQualityPulldownHandle) selectedTiffDatatype = p.value(tiffDatatypePulldownHandle) selectedTiffCompression = p.value(tiffCompressionPulldownHandle) selectedTgaCompression = p.value(tgaCompressionPulldownHandle) selectedExrDatatype = p.value(exrDatatypePulldownHandle) selectedExrCompression = p.value(exrCompressionPulldownHandle) selectedAutocrop = p.value(exrAutocropHandle) addPath = p.value(addPathHandle) addPrefix = p.value(addPrefixHandle) addPostfix = p.value(addPostfixHandle) if ( addPath == "" ) and ( addPrefix == "" ) and ( addPostfix == "" ): if selectedFormat == "nochange": result = nuke.ask( "Warning, your write nodes will have the same filename as\nyour Read-nodes.\n\n Are you sure that this is what you want?" ) else: result = nuke.ask( "Warning, you only changed the file format.\n\nYour write nodes MIGHT have the same filename as\nyour Read-nodes.\n\n Are you sure that this is what you want?" ) # if result: pass else: return None #your script will exit now # # # Deselect all for tmpNode in nuke.selectedNodes(): tmpNode['selected'].setValue(False) selectThese = [] for ( tmpNode, readNode ) in readNodeLut.iteritems(): tmpNode['selected'].setValue(True) #originalFilename = readNode["file"] originalFilename = nuke.filename( readNode ) ( basepath, filename ) = os.path.split( originalFilename ) ( basefile, extension ) = os.path.splitext( filename ) if selectedFormat == "nochange": tmpExt = extension.lstrip( '.' ) if ( tmpExt.lower() == "jpg" ) or ( tmpExt.lower() == "jpeg" ): type = "jpeg" elif ( tmpExt.lower() == "tif" ) or ( tmpExt.lower() == "tiff" ) or ( tmpExt.lower() == "tif16" ): type = "tiff" else: type = tmpExt # # else: type = selectedFormat extension = "." + type if extension == ".jpeg": type = "jpeg" extension = ".jpg" elif extension == ".tiff": type = "tiff" extension = ".tif" elif extension == ".tga": type = "tga" extension = ".tga" # # normalizedBasepath = os.path.normpath( basepath ) normalizedAddPath = os.path.normpath( addPath ) #print "normalizedBasepath", normalizedBasepath #print "normalizedAddPath", normalizedAddPath # This will also take care of absolute paths. newFilename = os.path.join( normalizedBasepath, normalizedAddPath ) # Remove any ".." and similar. newFilename = os.path.normpath( newFilename ) newFilename = os.path.join( newFilename, addPrefix + basefile + addPostfix + extension ).replace( "\\", "/" ) wn = nuke.createNode("Write", "", inpanel = False ) wn['selected'].setValue(False) wn['file'].setValue( newFilename ) wn['file_type'].setValue( type ) if type == "jpeg": wn['_jpeg_quality'].setValue( float( selectedJpegQuality ) ) wn['channels'].setValue("rgb") elif type == "tiff": wn['datatype'].setValue( selectedTiffDatatype ) wn['compression'].setValue( selectedTiffCompression ) elif type == "exr": wn['datatype'].setValue( selectedExrDatatype ) wn['compression'].setValue( selectedExrCompression ) wn['autocrop'].setValue( selectedAutocrop ) wn['channels'].setValue("all") elif type == "dpx": wn['channels'].setValue("rgb") elif type == "tga": wn['compression'].setValue(selectedTgaCompression) # wn.setInput( 0, tmpNode ) selectThese.append( wn ) # for tmpNode in selectThese: tmpNode['selected'].setValue( True ) # #