Camera { projection_mode {{"\[value the_cam]projection_mode"}} focal {{"\[value \[value the_cam]focal]"}} haperture {{"\[value \[value the_cam]haperture]"}} vaperture {{"\[value \[value the_cam]vaperture]"}} near {{"\[value \[value the_cam]near]"}} far {{"\[value \[value the_cam]far]"}} win_translate {{"\[lindex \[value \[value the_cam]win_translate] 0]"} {"\[lindex \[value \[value the_cam]win_translate] 1]"}} win_scale {{"\[lindex \[value \[value the_cam]win_scale] 0]"} {"\[lindex \[value \[value the_cam]win_scale] 1]"}} winroll {{"\[value \[value the_cam]winroll]"}} focal_point {{"\[value \[value the_cam]focal_point]"}} fstop {{"\[value \[value the_cam]fstop]"}} name DummyCam help "DummyCam by Adrian Pueyo\n\nCamera that apart from the matrices also grabs all the \"Projection\" values from the upstream camera that it's connected to. Turns into a default Camera if not Camera connected.\n\nCan also be used inside of groups and gizmos, as many levels deep as you want :D\n\nAll using live and super fast TCL.\n\, 2019" onCreate "n = nuke.thisNode()\nfor k in \[\"projection_mode\",\"focal\",\"haperture\",\"vaperture\",\"near\",\"far\",\"win_translate\",\"win_scale\",\"winroll\",\"focal_point\",\"fstop\"]:\n n\[k].setFlag(0x0000000010000000)" addUserKnob {20 DummyCam l Defaults} addUserKnob {43 the_cam +INVISIBLE} the_cam "\[\nset the_knob \"focal\"\nset knob_index 0\nset starting_point \"this.input0\"\nset default \"this\"\nset default \[append default \".d_\"]\n\n# If cam has no inputs, return the default...\nif \{\[exists \$starting_point]\} \{\n set x \[node \$starting_point]\n\} \{ \n return \$default\n\}\n\nset finished 0\nwhile \{\$finished != 1\} \{\n\n # First look for a Cam or Input or topnode.\n while \{\[class \$x] != \"Camera2\" && \[class \$x] != \"Camera\" && \[class \$x] != \"Input\" && \$x != \[topnode \$x]\} \{\n set x \[node \$x.input0]\n \}\n\n # Then, check if node is a cam (and return), and otherwise, if it's an input, see if the parent exists and move to it.\n if \{\[class \$x]==\"Camera2\"||\[class \$x]==\"Camera\"\} \{\n set x \[append x \".\"]\n return \$x\n \} \{ \n if \{\[class \$x]==\"Input\"\} \{ \n set inp \"\$x.parent.input\"\n set inputNum \[value \$x.number]\n set inp \[append inp \$inputNum]\n if \{\[exists \$inp]\} \{\n set x \[node \$inp]\n \} \{ \n set finished 1\n \}\n \} \{ \n set finished 1\n \}\n \}\n\}\nreturn \$default\n]" addUserKnob {4 d_projection_mode l projection M {perspective orthographic uv spherical ""}} addUserKnob {7 d_focal l focal R 0 100} d_focal 60 addUserKnob {7 d_haperture l "horiz aperture" R 0 50} d_haperture 24.576 addUserKnob {7 d_vaperture l "vert aperture" R 0 50} d_vaperture 18.672 addUserKnob {7 d_near l near R 0 10} d_near 0.1 addUserKnob {7 d_far l far R 0 10000} d_far 10000 addUserKnob {12 d_win_translate l "window translate"} addUserKnob {12 d_win_scale l "window scale"} d_win_scale {1 1} addUserKnob {7 d_winroll l "window roll" R 0 45} addUserKnob {7 d_focal_point l "focal distance" R 0 10} d_focal_point 2 addUserKnob {7 d_fstop l fstop R 0 30} d_fstop 16 addUserKnob {26 text l " " T "
DummyCam v1.0 -, 2019
"} }