set cut_paste_input [stack 0] version 12.2 v5 push $cut_paste_input Group { name CalibrateMacbeth3 tile_color 0x87aee7ff selected true xpos -802 ypos 37 addUserKnob {20 CalibrateMacbeth} addUserKnob {26 macbeth_position_label l "@b;Macbeth Position" T ""} addUserKnob {7 sample_size l "sample size" R 5 100} sample_size 50 addUserKnob {12 TL} TL {332 882} addUserKnob {12 TR -STARTLINE} TR {1004 806} addUserKnob {12 BL} BL {274 446} addUserKnob {12 BR -STARTLINE} BR {954 374} addUserKnob {6 output_compare l "output in compare mode" t "inverts the cornerpin for a good view of the macbeth chart for comparing src and dst" +STARTLINE} addUserKnob {6 disable_overlay l "disable overlay" t "Removes the destination colorchecker values overlayed over the source." +STARTLINE} addUserKnob {4 colorchecker_type l ColorChecker t "Choose the Macbeth ColorChecker Chart model. If it was manufactured after November 2014 the pigments changed, and the colors are slightly altered." M {ColorChecker2014 ColorChecker2005 ""}} addUserKnob {26 ""} addUserKnob {41 colorspace T ColorChecker.colorspace} addUserKnob {6 chroma_only l "calibrate chromaticities only" t "Do not change the brightness of the input image after calibration." +STARTLINE} chroma_only true addUserKnob {22 calculate l Calculate T "import nuke\nimport os\nimport sys\n\ndef colorsample(node, pos, size):\n # sample rgb pixel value\n # :param: node - node object to sample\n # :param: pos - list containing x and y position as float values\n # :param: size - box size to average in sample\n return \[node.sample(chan, pos\[0], pos\[1], size, size) for chan in \['red', 'green', 'blue']]\n\n\ndef calc_mtx():\n # calculate colormatrix to match src macbeth chart to dst macbeth chart\n node = nuke.thisNode()\n\n # make sure numpy is importable\n if node\['use_python_path'].getValue():\n pythonpath = node\['pythonpath'].getValue()\n sys.path.insert(0, pythonpath)\n try:\n import numpy as np\n except ImportError:\n nuke.message('numpy is required. \\nMake sure it is installed correctly and importable. \\nIf you are using the custom python path, make sure you have entered the path \\nto the site-packages folder containing the numpy module.')\n return\n\n size = node\['sample_size'].getValue()\n chroma_only = node\['chroma_only'].getValue()\n \n node.begin()\n src = nuke.toNode('Normalize')\n dst = nuke.toNode('macbeth_points')\n norm_node = nuke.toNode('Normalize')\n\n node\['reset'].execute()\n\n # If chroma_only, normalize colorchecker to dst grey before sampling\n if chroma_only:\n src_grey = colorsample(src, dst\['p44'].getValue(), size)\n dst_grey = colorsample(dst, dst\['p44'].getValue(), size)\n \n # with rec709 luminance weighting\n src_lum = (src_grey\[0]*0.2126 + src_grey\[1]*0.7152 + src_grey\[2]*0.0722)\n dst_lum = (dst_grey\[0]*0.2126 + dst_grey\[1]*0.7152 + dst_grey\[2]*0.0722)\n norm_node\['src'].setValue(src_lum)\n norm_node\['dst'].setValue(dst_lum)\n\n print 'source grey: \{0\} | \{1\}\\ndst grey: \{2\} | lum: \{3\}'.format(src_grey, src_lum,\n dst_grey, dst_lum)\n \n src_patches = list()\n dst_patches = list()\n points = \['p11', 'p12', 'p13', 'p14', 'p15', 'p16', 'p21', 'p22', 'p23', 'p24', 'p25', \n 'p26', 'p31', 'p32', 'p33', 'p34', 'p35', 'p36', 'p41', 'p42', 'p43', 'p44', 'p45', 'p46']\n\n for point in points:\n src_value = colorsample(src, dst\[point].getValue(), size)\n dst_value = colorsample(dst, dst\[point].getValue(), size)\n\n src_patches.append(src_value)\n dst_patches.append(dst_value)\n\n print 'source: \{0\}'.format(src_value)\n print 'destination: \{0\}'.format(dst_value)\n\n # Calculate multivariate Rinear Regression to fit source matrix to target matrix\n #\n #\n # \n #\n # Source chromaticities are based on XRite ColorChecker 2005 values as described here: \n #\n #\n #\n #\n\n np_matrix = np.transpose(np.linalg.lstsq(np.array(src_patches), np.array(dst_patches))\[0])\n matrix = np.ravel(np_matrix).tolist()\n node\['matrix'].setValue(matrix)\n nuke.root().begin()\n\nif __name__=='__main__':\n calc_mtx()" +STARTLINE} addUserKnob {26 ""} addUserKnob {26 output_matrix_label l "@b;Output Matrix" T ""} addUserKnob {41 matrix T ColorMatrix.matrix} addUserKnob {6 bypass_mtx l "bypass matrix" t "disable the matrix - for comparing before/after" +STARTLINE} addUserKnob {22 reset l Reset -STARTLINE T "n = nuke.thisNode()\nn\['matrix'].setValue(\[1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1])\nn.begin()\nnorm = nuke.toNode('Normalize')\nnorm\['src'].setValue(0.18)\nnorm\['dst'].setValue(0.18)"} addUserKnob {22 create_mtx l "Create MTX" t "Create a ColorMatrix node." T "import os\nnode = nuke.thisNode()\nnode.begin()\nnorm = nuke.toNode('Normalize')\n\nnuke.root().begin()\n_ = \[n.setSelected(False) for n in nuke.allNodes(recurseGroups=True)]\n\ncolormatrix = nuke.createNode('ColorMatrix')\ncolormatrix.setXYpos(node.xpos()-120, node.ypos())\ncolormatrix\['matrix'].setValue(node\['matrix'].getValue())\ntopnode = nuke.toNode(nuke.tcl('full_name \[topnode \{0\}]'.format(node.fullName())))\nif 'file' in topnode.knobs():\n\tfilename = os.path.basename(topnode\['file'].getValue())\nelse:\n\tfilename =\nif node\['chroma_only'].getValue():\n colormatrix\['label'].setValue('\{0\} \\ncalibrate: \{1\}'.format(filename, node\['colorspace'].value()))\n # Create mult as well for optional exposure adjustment\n exp = nuke.createNode('Multiply')\n exp\['channels'].setValue('rgb')\n exp.setXYpos(colormatrix.xpos(), colormatrix.ypos() + 60)\n exp\['value'].setValue(norm\['value'].getValue())\n colormatrix.setSelected(True)\nelse:\n colormatrix\['label'].setValue('\{0\} \\ncalibrate w/ exposure: \{1\}'.format(filename, node\['colorspace'].value()))" +STARTLINE} addUserKnob {22 set_selected l "Set Selected" t "Set matrix knob on selected node." -STARTLINE T "node = nuke.thisNode()\nnuke.root().begin()\n\ncolormatrix = nuke.selectedNode()\nif 'matrix' in colormatrix.knobs():\n colormatrix\['matrix'].setValue(node\['matrix'].getValue())\n"} addUserKnob {20 info l Info} addUserKnob {26 info_label l "" +STARTLINE T "About
\nCalibrate an image containing a macbeth colorchecker chart
\nto match the gamut of the given colorspace.
\nRequires the numpy python module. Make sure it is importable
\nin nuke. You can enter a custom python path to search for numpy.
\nThis is the directory to the site-packages folder that contains the numpy module.

\nNote that this technique is not a magic solution.
\nIn order for the calibration to be accurate, the illuminant in the scene
\nneeds to be CIE Illuminant D65. The more the spectral power distribution
\nof the light varies from this, the more error will be in the result.\n

\n- Align cornerpin to match patches to macbeth chart
\n- Set sample size to get a good sample on source macbeth chart.
\n- Choose target colorspace.
\n- Disable calibrate chromaticities only if you want to adjust exposure as well.
\n- Click calculate
\n- Evaluate results: Output in compare mode to get a better view.
\n- Toggle bypass matrix to compare before/after.
\n- Click Create MTX to create a new colormatrix node
\n- Or click Set Selected to set an existing colormatrix node.

\nBased on Marco Meyer's mmColorTarget tool.
\nRebuild and simplify.
Calibrate to known gamuts only.
\nAdd option to not change exposure.
\nCreated by Jed Smith -"} addUserKnob {26 ""} addUserKnob {6 use_python_path l "" t "search specified python path for numpy module" -STARTLINE} use_python_path true addUserKnob {1 pythonpath l "python path" t "enter the directory of the site-packages folder that contains numpy" -STARTLINE} pythonpath p:/_projekte/HOTZ/000_env/python/libs/nuke } Group { inputs 0 name ColorChecker tile_color 0xffbf00ff label "Colorspace: \[value colorspace]" xpos 620 ypos -1215 postage_stamp true addUserKnob {20 colour_rendition_chart_Tab l "Colour Rendition Chart"} addUserKnob {41 colorspace T XYZ_D50_to_RGB.colorspace} addUserKnob {3 patch_resolution l "patch resolution"} patch_resolution 128 addUserKnob {7 gap R 10 50} gap 20 addUserKnob {20 about_Tab l About} addUserKnob {26 description_Text l "" +STARTLINE T "COLOUR RENDITION CHART v0.2.1\n\ - July 17, 2019\n\nThis file defines the X-Rite ColorChecker 2005 (ColorChecker24 - Before November 2014) and 2014 (ColorChecker24 - After November 2014) Classic Colour Rendition Charts.\n\nReference samples colours are converted from CIE XYZ tristimulus values (derived from XRite L*a*b* D50 data \[1]\[2]) to RGB colourspace.\n\nMatrices converting from CIE XYZ tristimulus to RGB colourspace were computed using CAT02 chromatic adaptation transform.\n\n\[1] BabelColor. (2012). ColorChecker RGB and spectra. Retrieved from\n\[2] X-Rite. (2015). New color specifications for\n ColorChecker SG and Classic Charts. Retrieved October 29, 2018,\n from\n\n--\n\nSome small adjustments for output resolution and grid size for inclusion in the CalibrateMacbeth tool.\n- - 2020-01-25"} } Constant { inputs 0 format "512 512 0 0 512 512 1 square_512" name Constant1 xpos 840 ypos -346 postage_stamp false } Reformat { type "to box" box_width {{parent.patch_resolution}} box_height {{parent.patch_resolution}} box_fixed true filter impulse black_outside true name Reformat1 xpos 840 ypos -298 } Radial { replace true area {{center.x-(box_size.w/2)} {center.y-(box_size.h/2*input.pixel_aspect)} {center.x+(box_size.w/2)} {center.y+(box_size.h/2*input.pixel_aspect)}} softness 0 name RadialSize xpos 840 ypos -250 addUserKnob {20 Size} addUserKnob {12 center} center {{width/2} {height/2}} addUserKnob {14 box_size R 0 100} box_size {{parent.parent.sample_size}} } set N52b08400 [stack 0] push $N52b08400 push $N52b08400 push $N52b08400 push $N52b08400 push $N52b08400 push $N52b08400 push $N52b08400 push $N52b08400 push $N52b08400 push $N52b08400 push $N52b08400 push $N52b08400 push $N52b08400 push $N52b08400 push $N52b08400 push $N52b08400 push $N52b08400 push $N52b08400 push $N52b08400 push $N52b08400 push $N52b08400 push $N52b08400 push $N52b08400 ContactSheet { inputs 24 width {{"rint(parent.patch_resolution * 6 + gap * 7)"}} height {{"rint(parent.patch_resolution * 4 + gap * 5)"}} rows 4 columns 6 startframe 1 endframe 1 name ContactSheet1 xpos 840 ypos -202 } Dot { name Dot1 xpos 874 ypos -150 } Group { inputs 0 name ColorChecker2005 xpos 1280 ypos -394 addUserKnob {20 ColorChecker2005} addUserKnob {3 patch_resolution} patch_resolution {{parent.patch_resolution}} } Group { inputs 0 name bluish_green xpos 838 ypos -365 postage_stamp true addUserKnob {20 sample_Tab l Sample} addUserKnob {19 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob l Colour} colour_RGBA_Color_Knob {0.304243 0.4178 0.346225978 1} addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped_1 l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped_1_1 l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {1 name_Text_Knob l Name} name_Text_Knob "bluish green" addUserKnob {1 index_Text_Knob l Index} index_Text_Knob 6 addUserKnob {6 label_colour_RGB_Color_Knob_panelDropped l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {6 label_colour_RGB_Color_Knob_panelDropped_1 l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {6 label_colour_RGB_Color_Knob_panelDropped_1_1 l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {3 resolution} resolution {{parent.patch_resolution}} } Constant { inputs 0 color {{parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.r} {parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.g} {parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.b} {parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.a}} format "512 512 0 0 512 512 1 square_512" name Constant xpos 262 ypos 53 } Reformat { type "to box" box_width {{parent.resolution}} box_height {{parent.resolution}} box_fixed true filter impulse black_outside true name Reformat1 } Output { name Output xpos 262 ypos 173 } end_group Group { inputs 0 name blue_flower xpos 728 ypos -365 postage_stamp true addUserKnob {20 sample_Tab l Sample} addUserKnob {19 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob l Colour} colour_RGBA_Color_Knob {0.2419361345 0.2304 0.3343865546 1} addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped_1 l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped_1_1 l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {1 name_Text_Knob l Name} name_Text_Knob "blue flower" addUserKnob {1 index_Text_Knob l Index} index_Text_Knob 5 addUserKnob {6 label_colour_RGB_Color_Knob_panelDropped l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {6 label_colour_RGB_Color_Knob_panelDropped_1 l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {6 label_colour_RGB_Color_Knob_panelDropped_1_1 l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {3 resolution} resolution {{parent.patch_resolution}} } Constant { inputs 0 color {{parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.r} {parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.g} {parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.b} {parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.a}} format "512 512 0 0 512 512 1 square_512" name Constant xpos 262 ypos 53 } Reformat { type "to box" box_width {{parent.resolution}} box_height {{parent.resolution}} box_fixed true filter impulse black_outside true name Reformat1 } Output { name Output xpos 262 ypos 173 } end_group Group { inputs 0 name foliage xpos 618 ypos -365 postage_stamp true addUserKnob {20 sample_Tab l Sample} addUserKnob {19 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob l Colour} colour_RGBA_Color_Knob {0.1090570127 0.1325 0.05295287842 1} addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped_1 l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped_1_1 l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {1 name_Text_Knob l Name} name_Text_Knob foliage addUserKnob {1 index_Text_Knob l Index} index_Text_Knob 4 addUserKnob {6 label_colour_RGB_Color_Knob_panelDropped l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {6 label_colour_RGB_Color_Knob_panelDropped_1 l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {6 label_colour_RGB_Color_Knob_panelDropped_1_1 l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {3 resolution} resolution {{parent.patch_resolution}} } Constant { inputs 0 color {{parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.r} {parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.g} {parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.b} {parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.a}} format "512 512 0 0 512 512 1 square_512" name Constant xpos 262 ypos 53 } Reformat { type "to box" box_width {{parent.resolution}} box_height {{parent.resolution}} box_fixed true filter impulse black_outside true name Reformat1 } Output { name Output xpos 262 ypos 173 } end_group Group { inputs 0 name blue_sky xpos 508 ypos -365 postage_stamp true addUserKnob {20 sample_Tab l Sample} addUserKnob {19 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob l Colour} colour_RGBA_Color_Knob {0.1680159151 0.1836 0.2571374005 1} addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped_1 l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped_1_1 l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {1 name_Text_Knob l Name} name_Text_Knob "blue sky" addUserKnob {1 index_Text_Knob l Index} index_Text_Knob 3 addUserKnob {6 label_colour_RGB_Color_Knob_panelDropped l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {6 label_colour_RGB_Color_Knob_panelDropped_1 l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {6 label_colour_RGB_Color_Knob_panelDropped_1_1 l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {3 resolution} resolution {{parent.patch_resolution}} } Constant { inputs 0 color {{parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.r} {parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.g} {parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.b} {parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.a}} format "512 512 0 0 512 512 1 square_512" name Constant xpos 262 ypos 53 } Reformat { type "to box" box_width {{parent.resolution}} box_height {{parent.resolution}} box_fixed true filter impulse black_outside true name Reformat1 } Output { name Output xpos 262 ypos 173 } end_group Group { inputs 0 name light_skin xpos 396 ypos -365 postage_stamp true addUserKnob {20 sample_Tab l Sample} addUserKnob {19 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob l Colour} colour_RGBA_Color_Knob {0.3917872596 0.3495 0.1922063301 1} addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped_1 l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped_1_1 l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {1 name_Text_Knob l Name} name_Text_Knob "light skin" addUserKnob {1 index_Text_Knob l Index} index_Text_Knob 2 addUserKnob {6 label_colour_RGB_Color_Knob_panelDropped l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {6 label_colour_RGB_Color_Knob_panelDropped_1 l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {6 label_colour_RGB_Color_Knob_panelDropped_1_1 l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {3 resolution} resolution {{parent.patch_resolution}} } Constant { inputs 0 color {{parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.r} {parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.g} {parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.b} {parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.a}} format "512 512 0 0 512 512 1 square_512" name Constant xpos 262 ypos 63 } Reformat { type "to box" box_width {{parent.resolution}} box_height {{parent.resolution}} box_fixed true filter impulse black_outside true name Reformat1 xpos 262 ypos 135 } Output { name Output xpos 262 ypos 173 } end_group Group { inputs 0 name dark_skin xpos 290 ypos -369 postage_stamp true addUserKnob {20 sample_Tab l Sample} addUserKnob {19 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob l Colour} colour_RGBA_Color_Knob {0.1151847498 0.1008 0.05089372518 1} addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {1 name_Text_Knob l Name} name_Text_Knob "dark skin" addUserKnob {1 index_Text_Knob l Index} index_Text_Knob 1 addUserKnob {6 label_colour_RGB_Color_Knob_panelDropped l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {3 resolution} resolution {{parent.patch_resolution}} } Constant { inputs 0 color {{parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.r} {parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.g} {parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.b} {parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.a}} format "512 512 0 0 512 512 1 square_512" name Constant xpos 290 ypos 63 } Reformat { type "to box" box_width {{parent.resolution}} box_height {{parent.resolution}} box_fixed true filter impulse black_outside true name Reformat1 xpos 290 ypos 158 } Output { name Output xpos 290 ypos 230 } end_group Group { inputs 0 name orange_yellow xpos 838 ypos -245 postage_stamp true addUserKnob {20 sample_Tab l Sample} addUserKnob {19 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob l Colour} colour_RGBA_Color_Knob {0.4878619607 0.4357 0.06062597696 1} addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped_1 l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped_1_1 l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {1 name_Text_Knob l Name} name_Text_Knob "orange yellow" addUserKnob {1 index_Text_Knob l Index} index_Text_Knob 12 addUserKnob {6 label_colour_RGB_Color_Knob_panelDropped l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {6 label_colour_RGB_Color_Knob_panelDropped_1 l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {6 label_colour_RGB_Color_Knob_panelDropped_1_1 l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {3 resolution} resolution {{parent.patch_resolution}} } Constant { inputs 0 color {{parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.r} {parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.g} {parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.b} {parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.a}} format "512 512 0 0 512 512 1 square_512" name Constant xpos 262 ypos 53 } Reformat { type "to box" box_width {{parent.resolution}} box_height {{parent.resolution}} box_fixed true filter impulse black_outside true name Reformat1 } Output { name Output xpos 262 ypos 173 } end_group Group { inputs 0 name yellow_green xpos 728 ypos -245 postage_stamp true addUserKnob {20 sample_Tab l Sample} addUserKnob {19 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob l Colour} colour_RGBA_Color_Knob {0.3536913738 0.4446 0.08948817891 1} addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped_1 l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped_1_1 l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {1 name_Text_Knob l Name} name_Text_Knob "yellow green" addUserKnob {1 index_Text_Knob l Index} index_Text_Knob 11 addUserKnob {6 label_colour_RGB_Color_Knob_panelDropped l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {6 label_colour_RGB_Color_Knob_panelDropped_1 l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {6 label_colour_RGB_Color_Knob_panelDropped_1_1 l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {3 resolution} resolution {{parent.patch_resolution}} } Constant { inputs 0 color {{parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.r} {parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.g} {parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.b} {parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.a}} format "512 512 0 0 512 512 1 square_512" name Constant xpos 262 ypos 53 } Reformat { type "to box" box_width {{parent.resolution}} box_height {{parent.resolution}} box_fixed true filter impulse black_outside true name Reformat1 } Output { name Output xpos 262 ypos 173 } end_group Group { inputs 0 name purple xpos 617 ypos -245 postage_stamp true addUserKnob {20 sample_Tab l Sample} addUserKnob {19 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob l Colour} colour_RGBA_Color_Knob {0.08518142627 0.0637 0.1077664384 1} addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped_1 l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped_1_1 l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {1 name_Text_Knob l Name} name_Text_Knob purple addUserKnob {1 index_Text_Knob l Index} index_Text_Knob 10 addUserKnob {6 label_colour_RGB_Color_Knob_panelDropped l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {6 label_colour_RGB_Color_Knob_panelDropped_1 l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {6 label_colour_RGB_Color_Knob_panelDropped_1_1 l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {3 resolution} resolution {{parent.patch_resolution}} } Constant { inputs 0 color {{parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.r} {parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.g} {parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.b} {parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.a}} format "512 512 0 0 512 512 1 square_512" name Constant xpos 262 ypos 53 } Reformat { type "to box" box_width {{parent.resolution}} box_height {{parent.resolution}} box_fixed true filter impulse black_outside true name Reformat1 } Output { name Output xpos 262 ypos 173 } end_group Group { inputs 0 name moderate_red xpos 506 ypos -245 postage_stamp true addUserKnob {20 sample_Tab l Sample} addUserKnob {19 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob l Colour} colour_RGBA_Color_Knob {0.2967692026 0.1938 0.101548121 1} addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped_1 l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped_1_1 l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {1 name_Text_Knob l Name} name_Text_Knob "moderate 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+HIDDEN} addUserKnob {6 label_colour_RGB_Color_Knob_panelDropped_1_1 l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {3 resolution} resolution {{parent.patch_resolution}} } Constant { inputs 0 color {{parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.r} {parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.g} {parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.b} {parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.a}} format "512 512 0 0 512 512 1 square_512" name Constant xpos 262 ypos 53 } Reformat { type "to box" box_width {{parent.resolution}} box_height {{parent.resolution}} box_fixed true filter impulse black_outside true name Reformat1 } Output { name Output xpos 262 ypos 173 } end_group Group { inputs 0 name green xpos 398 ypos -125 postage_stamp true addUserKnob {20 sample_Tab l Sample} addUserKnob {19 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob l Colour} colour_RGBA_Color_Knob {0.1498500397 0.2318 0.07900178855 1} addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped_1 l "panel 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true name Reformat1 } Output { name Output xpos 262 ypos 173 } end_group Group { inputs 0 name blue xpos 288 ypos -125 postage_stamp true addUserKnob {20 sample_Tab l Sample} addUserKnob {19 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob l Colour} colour_RGBA_Color_Knob {0.0685786052 0.0575 0.2137559102 1} addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped_1 l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped_1_1 l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {1 name_Text_Knob l Name} name_Text_Knob blue addUserKnob {1 index_Text_Knob l Index} index_Text_Knob 13 addUserKnob {6 label_colour_RGB_Color_Knob_panelDropped l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {6 label_colour_RGB_Color_Knob_panelDropped_1 l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {6 label_colour_RGB_Color_Knob_panelDropped_1_1 l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} 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"512 512 0 0 512 512 1 square_512" name Constant xpos 262 ypos 53 } Reformat { type "to box" box_width {{parent.resolution}} box_height {{parent.resolution}} box_fixed true filter impulse black_outside true name Reformat1 } Output { name Output xpos 262 ypos 173 } end_group Group { inputs 0 name blue_sky xpos 292 ypos -321 postage_stamp true addUserKnob {20 sample_Tab l Sample} addUserKnob {19 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob l Colour} colour_RGBA_Color_Knob {0.1652470004 0.1785519348 0.2546024121 1} addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped_1 l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped_1_1 l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {1 name_Text_Knob l Name} name_Text_Knob "blue sky" addUserKnob {1 index_Text_Knob l Index} index_Text_Knob 3 addUserKnob {6 label_colour_RGB_Color_Knob_panelDropped l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE 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262 ypos 63 } Reformat { type "to box" box_width {{parent.resolution}} box_height {{parent.resolution}} box_fixed true filter impulse black_outside true name Reformat1 xpos 262 ypos 135 } Output { name Output xpos 262 ypos 173 } end_group Group { inputs 0 name dark_skin xpos 70 ypos -321 postage_stamp true addUserKnob {20 sample_Tab l Sample} addUserKnob {19 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob l Colour} colour_RGBA_Color_Knob {0.1136398927 0.09832436105 0.047793811 1} addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {1 name_Text_Knob l Name} name_Text_Knob "dark skin" addUserKnob {1 index_Text_Knob l Index} index_Text_Knob 1 addUserKnob {6 label_colour_RGB_Color_Knob_panelDropped l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {3 resolution} resolution {{parent.patch_resolution}} } Constant { inputs 0 color {{parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.r} {parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.g} {parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.b} 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512 0 0 512 512 1 square_512" name Constant xpos 262 ypos 53 } Reformat { type "to box" box_width {{parent.resolution}} box_height {{parent.resolution}} box_fixed true filter impulse black_outside true name Reformat1 } Output { name Output xpos 262 ypos 173 } end_group Group { inputs 0 name purple xpos 401 ypos -201 postage_stamp true addUserKnob {20 sample_Tab l Sample} addUserKnob {19 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob l Colour} colour_RGBA_Color_Knob {0.08353888545 0.06276662955 0.1042075686 1} addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped_1 l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped_1_1 l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {1 name_Text_Knob l Name} name_Text_Knob purple addUserKnob {1 index_Text_Knob l Index} index_Text_Knob 10 addUserKnob {6 label_colour_RGB_Color_Knob_panelDropped l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} 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"panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped_1 l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped_1_1 l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {1 name_Text_Knob l Name} name_Text_Knob "moderate red" addUserKnob {1 index_Text_Knob l Index} index_Text_Knob 9 addUserKnob {6 label_colour_RGB_Color_Knob_panelDropped l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {6 label_colour_RGB_Color_Knob_panelDropped_1 l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {6 label_colour_RGB_Color_Knob_panelDropped_1_1 l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {3 resolution} resolution {{parent.patch_resolution}} } Constant { inputs 0 color {{parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.r} {parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.g} {parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.b} {parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.a}} format "512 512 0 0 512 512 1 square_512" name Constant xpos 262 ypos 53 } Reformat { type "to 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Reformat1 } Output { name Output xpos 262 ypos 173 } end_group Group { inputs 0 name yellow xpos 399 ypos -81 postage_stamp true addUserKnob {20 sample_Tab l Sample} addUserKnob {19 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob l Colour} colour_RGBA_Color_Knob {0.5888922356 0.5992976803 0.07077420003 1} addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped_1 l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped_1_1 l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {1 name_Text_Knob l Name} name_Text_Knob yellow addUserKnob {1 index_Text_Knob l Index} index_Text_Knob 16 addUserKnob {6 label_colour_RGB_Color_Knob_panelDropped l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {6 label_colour_RGB_Color_Knob_panelDropped_1 l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {6 label_colour_RGB_Color_Knob_panelDropped_1_1 l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} 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color {{parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.r} {parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.g} {parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.b} {parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.a}} format "512 512 0 0 512 512 1 square_512" name Constant xpos 262 ypos 53 } Reformat { type "to box" box_width {{parent.resolution}} box_height {{parent.resolution}} box_fixed true filter impulse black_outside true name Reformat1 } Output { name Output xpos 262 ypos 173 } end_group Group { inputs 0 name blue xpos 72 ypos -81 postage_stamp true addUserKnob {20 sample_Tab l Sample} addUserKnob {19 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob l Colour} colour_RGBA_Color_Knob {0.06809095613 0.05596214063 0.2077405936 1} addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped_1 l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped_1_1 l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {1 name_Text_Knob l Name} name_Text_Knob blue 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{parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.a}} format "512 512 0 0 512 512 1 square_512" name Constant xpos 262 ypos 53 } Reformat { type "to box" box_width {{parent.resolution}} box_height {{parent.resolution}} box_fixed true filter impulse black_outside true name Reformat1 } Output { name Output xpos 262 ypos 173 } end_group Group { inputs 0 name neutral_6 xpos 292 ypos 39 postage_stamp true addUserKnob {20 sample_Tab l Sample} addUserKnob {19 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob l Colour} colour_RGBA_Color_Knob {0.3495921991 0.3648652066 0.3013565492 1} addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped_1 l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped_1_1 l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {1 name_Text_Knob l Name} name_Text_Knob "neutral 6.5 (.44 D)" addUserKnob {1 index_Text_Knob l Index} index_Text_Knob 21 addUserKnob {6 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"512 512 0 0 512 512 1 square_512" name Constant xpos 262 ypos 53 } Reformat { type "to box" box_width {{parent.resolution}} box_height {{parent.resolution}} box_fixed true filter impulse black_outside true name Reformat1 } Output { name Output xpos 262 ypos 173 } end_group Group { inputs 0 name white_9 xpos 70 ypos 39 postage_stamp true addUserKnob {20 sample_Tab l Sample} addUserKnob {19 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob l Colour} colour_RGBA_Color_Knob {0.8436985288 0.8806903203 0.6936778752 1} addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped_1 l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped_1_1 l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN} addUserKnob {1 name_Text_Knob l Name} name_Text_Knob "white 9.5 (.05 D)" addUserKnob {1 index_Text_Knob l Index} index_Text_Knob 19 addUserKnob {6 label_colour_RGB_Color_Knob_panelDropped l "panel dropped state" 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620 ypos 326 } end_group Switch { inputs 2 which {{colorchecker_type}} name Switch1 xpos 1170 ypos -322 } Group { name XYZ_D50_to_RGB xpos 1170 ypos -274 addUserKnob {20 XYZ_D50_to_RGB_Tab l "XYZ D50 to RGB"} addUserKnob {4 colorspace M {ACES2065-1 ACEScc ACEScg ACESproxy "ALEXA Wide Gamut RGB" "Adobe RGB (1998)" "Adobe Wide Gamut RGB" "Apple RGB" "Best RGB" "Beta RGB" "CIE RGB" "Cinema Gamut" "ColorMatch RGB" DCI-P3 DCI-P3+ DRAGONcolor DRAGONcolor2 "Don RGB 4" "ECI RGB v2" "ERIMM RGB" "Ekta Space PS 5" "Max RGB" "NTSC RGB" "Pal/Secam RGB" "ProPhoto RGB" REDcolor REDcolor2 REDcolor3 REDcolor4 "RIMM RGB" "ROMM RGB" "Rec. 2020" "Rec. 709" "Russell RGB" S-Gamut S-Gamut3 S-Gamut3.Cine "SMPTE-C RGB" V-Gamut "Xtreme RGB" sRGB "" ""}} colorspace ACEScg addUserKnob {20 about_Tab l About} addUserKnob {26 description_Text l "" +STARTLINE T "XYZ D50 to RGB v0.1.2\n\ - May 6, 2015\n\nThis Gizmo / Group tranforms from CIE XYZ D50 tristimulus values to RGB colourspace using CAT02 chromatic adaptation transform."} } Input { inputs 0 name Input xpos -3560 ypos 1033 } set N531d2c00 [stack 0] Group { name XYZ_D50_to_sRGB xpos -3560 ypos 1142 addUserKnob {20 XYZ_D50_to_RGB_Tab l "XYZ D50 to sRGB"} addUserKnob {20 parameters_endGroup l endGroup n -1} addUserKnob {20 about_Tab l About} addUserKnob {26 description_Text l "" +STARTLINE T "XYZ D50 to sRGB v0.1.2\n\ - July 10, 2016\n\nThis Gizmo / Group transforms from CIE XYZ D50 tristimulus values to sRGB colourspace using CAT02 chromatic adaptation transform."} } Input { inputs 0 name Input xpos 0 ypos -149 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {0.9598633 -0.0293718 0.0657319} {-0.0212343 0.9988909 0.0261607} {0.0013724 0.0044402 1.3129173} } name D50_to_D65_CAT02_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -124 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {3.2406255 -1.537208 -0.4986286} {-0.9689307 1.8757561 0.0415175} {0.0557101 -0.2040211 1.0569959} } name XYZ_to_sRGB_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -98 } Output { name Output xpos 0 ypos -72 } end_group push $N531d2c00 Group { name XYZ_D50_to_Xtreme_RGB xpos -3709 ypos 1143 addUserKnob {20 XYZ_D50_to_RGB_Tab l "XYZ D50 to Xtreme_RGB"} addUserKnob {20 parameters_endGroup l endGroup n -1} addUserKnob {20 about_Tab l About} addUserKnob {26 description_Text l "" +STARTLINE T "XYZ D50 to Xtreme_RGB v0.1.2\n\ - July 10, 2016\n\nThis Gizmo / Group transforms from CIE XYZ D50 tristimulus values to Xtreme_RGB colourspace using CAT02 chromatic adaptation transform."} } Input { inputs 0 name Input xpos 0 ypos -149 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {1 0 0} {0 1 0} {0 0 1} } name D50_to_D50_CAT02_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -125 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {1.0370263 0 0} {0 1 0} {0 0 1.2119675} } name XYZ_to_Xtreme_RGB_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -98 } Output { name Output xpos 0 ypos -74 } end_group push $N531d2c00 Group { name XYZ_D50_to_V-Gamut xpos -3859 ypos 1143 addUserKnob {20 XYZ_D50_to_RGB_Tab l "XYZ D50 to V-Gamut"} addUserKnob {20 parameters_endGroup l endGroup n -1} addUserKnob {20 about_Tab l About} addUserKnob {26 description_Text l "" +STARTLINE T "XYZ D50 to V-Gamut v0.1.2\n\ - July 10, 2016\n\nThis Gizmo / Group transforms from CIE XYZ D50 tristimulus values to V-Gamut colourspace using CAT02 chromatic adaptation transform."} } Input { inputs 0 name Input xpos 0 ypos -149 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {0.9598633 -0.0293718 0.0657319} {-0.0212343 0.9988909 0.0261607} {0.0013724 0.0044402 1.3129173} } name D50_to_D65_CAT02_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -125 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {1.5890129 -0.3132039 -0.180965} {-0.5340545 1.3960122 0.1024579} {0.0111794 0.0031936 0.9055357} } name XYZ_to_V-Gamut_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -98 } Output { name Output xpos 0 ypos -74 } end_group push $N531d2c00 Group { name XYZ_D50_to_SMPTE-C_RGB xpos -4009 ypos 1143 addUserKnob {20 XYZ_D50_to_RGB_Tab l "XYZ D50 to SMPTE-C_RGB"} addUserKnob {20 parameters_endGroup l endGroup n -1} addUserKnob {20 about_Tab l About} addUserKnob {26 description_Text l "" +STARTLINE T "XYZ D50 to SMPTE-C_RGB v0.1.2\n\ - July 10, 2016\n\nThis Gizmo / Group transforms from CIE XYZ D50 tristimulus values to SMPTE-C_RGB colourspace using CAT02 chromatic adaptation transform."} } Input { inputs 0 name Input xpos 0 ypos -149 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {0.9598633 -0.0293718 0.0657319} {-0.0212343 0.9988909 0.0261607} {0.0013724 0.0044402 1.3129173} } name D50_to_D65_CAT02_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -125 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {3.5060033 -1.7397907 -0.5440583} {-1.0690476 1.9777789 0.0351714} {0.0563066 -0.1969757 1.0499523} } name XYZ_to_SMPTE-C_RGB_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -98 } Output { name Output xpos 0 ypos -74 } end_group push $N531d2c00 Group { name XYZ_D50_to_S-Gamut3.Cine xpos -4159 ypos 1143 addUserKnob {20 XYZ_D50_to_RGB_Tab l "XYZ D50 to S-Gamut3.Cine"} addUserKnob {20 parameters_endGroup l endGroup n -1} addUserKnob {20 about_Tab l About} addUserKnob {26 description_Text l "" +STARTLINE T "XYZ D50 to S-Gamut3.Cine v0.1.2\n\ - July 10, 2016\n\nThis Gizmo / Group transforms from CIE XYZ D50 tristimulus values to S-Gamut3.Cine colourspace using CAT02 chromatic adaptation transform."} } Input { inputs 0 name Input xpos 0 ypos -149 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {0.9598633 -0.0293718 0.0657319} {-0.0212343 0.9988909 0.0261607} {0.0013724 0.0044402 1.3129173} } name D50_to_D65_CAT02_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -125 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {1.846779 -0.5259861 -0.2105452} {-0.4441533 1.2594429 0.1494} {0.0408554 0.0156409 0.8682072} } name XYZ_to_S-Gamut3.Cine_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -98 } Output { name Output xpos 0 ypos -74 } end_group push $N531d2c00 Group { name XYZ_D50_to_S-Gamut3 xpos -4309 ypos 1143 addUserKnob {20 XYZ_D50_to_RGB_Tab l "XYZ D50 to S-Gamut3"} addUserKnob {20 parameters_endGroup l endGroup n -1} addUserKnob {20 about_Tab l About} addUserKnob {26 description_Text l "" +STARTLINE T "XYZ D50 to S-Gamut3 v0.1.2\n\ - July 10, 2016\n\nThis Gizmo / Group transforms from CIE XYZ D50 tristimulus values to S-Gamut3 colourspace using CAT02 chromatic adaptation transform."} } Input { inputs 0 name Input xpos 0 ypos -149 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {0.9598633 -0.0293718 0.0657319} {-0.0212343 0.9988909 0.0261607} {0.0013724 0.0044402 1.3129173} } name D50_to_D65_CAT02_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -125 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {1.5073999 -0.2458221 -0.1716117} {-0.5181517 1.3553912 0.1258787} {0.0155117 -0.0078728 0.9119164} } name XYZ_to_S-Gamut3_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -98 } Output { name Output xpos 0 ypos -74 } end_group push $N531d2c00 Group { name XYZ_D50_to_S-Gamut xpos -4459 ypos 1143 addUserKnob {20 XYZ_D50_to_RGB_Tab l "XYZ D50 to S-Gamut"} addUserKnob {20 parameters_endGroup l endGroup n -1} addUserKnob {20 about_Tab l About} addUserKnob {26 description_Text l "" +STARTLINE T "XYZ D50 to S-Gamut v0.1.2\n\ - July 10, 2016\n\nThis Gizmo / Group transforms from CIE XYZ D50 tristimulus values to S-Gamut colourspace using CAT02 chromatic adaptation transform."} } Input { inputs 0 name Input xpos 0 ypos -149 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {0.9598633 -0.0293718 0.0657319} {-0.0212343 0.9988909 0.0261607} {0.0013724 0.0044402 1.3129173} } name D50_to_D65_CAT02_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -125 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {1.5073999 -0.2458221 -0.1716117} {-0.5181517 1.3553912 0.1258787} {0.0155117 -0.0078728 0.9119164} } name XYZ_to_S-Gamut_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -98 } Output { name Output xpos 0 ypos -74 } end_group push $N531d2c00 Group { name XYZ_D50_to_Russell_RGB xpos -4609 ypos 1143 addUserKnob {20 XYZ_D50_to_RGB_Tab l "XYZ D50 to Russell_RGB"} addUserKnob {20 parameters_endGroup l endGroup n -1} addUserKnob {20 about_Tab l About} addUserKnob {26 description_Text l "" +STARTLINE T "XYZ D50 to Russell_RGB v0.1.2\n\ - July 10, 2016\n\nThis Gizmo / Group transforms from CIE XYZ D50 tristimulus values to Russell_RGB colourspace using CAT02 chromatic adaptation transform."} } Input { inputs 0 name Input xpos 0 ypos -149 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {0.9842386 -0.0123617 0.0243142} {-0.0089083 1.0005966 0.0096881} {0.0005204 0.0016123 1.1142423} } name D50_to_D55_CAT02_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -125 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {1.5870253 -0.3598133 -0.1721662} {-0.7535178 1.6771848 0.0475092} {0.0370375 -0.0824384 1.136216} } name XYZ_to_Russell_RGB_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -98 } Output { name Output xpos 0 ypos -74 } end_group push $N531d2c00 Group { name XYZ_D50_to_Rec._709 xpos -4759 ypos 1143 addUserKnob {20 XYZ_D50_to_RGB_Tab l "XYZ D50 to Rec._709"} addUserKnob {20 parameters_endGroup l endGroup n -1} addUserKnob {20 about_Tab l About} addUserKnob {26 description_Text l "" +STARTLINE T "XYZ D50 to Rec._709 v0.1.2\n\ - July 10, 2016\n\nThis Gizmo / Group transforms from CIE XYZ D50 tristimulus values to Rec._709 colourspace using CAT02 chromatic adaptation transform."} } Input { inputs 0 name Input xpos 0 ypos -149 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {0.9598633 -0.0293718 0.0657319} {-0.0212343 0.9988909 0.0261607} {0.0013724 0.0044402 1.3129173} } name D50_to_D65_CAT02_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -125 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {3.2409699 -1.5373832 -0.4986108} {-0.9692436 1.8759675 0.0415551} {0.0556301 -0.203977 1.0569715} } name XYZ_to_Rec._709_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -98 } Output { name Output xpos 0 ypos -74 } end_group push $N531d2c00 Group { name XYZ_D50_to_Rec._2020 xpos -4909 ypos 1143 addUserKnob {20 XYZ_D50_to_RGB_Tab l "XYZ D50 to Rec._2020"} addUserKnob {20 parameters_endGroup l endGroup n -1} addUserKnob {20 about_Tab l About} addUserKnob {26 description_Text l "" +STARTLINE T "XYZ D50 to Rec._2020 v0.1.2\n\ - July 10, 2016\n\nThis Gizmo / Group transforms from CIE XYZ D50 tristimulus values to Rec._2020 colourspace using CAT02 chromatic adaptation transform."} } Input { inputs 0 name Input xpos 0 ypos -149 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {0.9598633 -0.0293718 0.0657319} {-0.0212343 0.9988909 0.0261607} {0.0013724 0.0044402 1.3129173} } name D50_to_D65_CAT02_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -125 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {1.7166512 -0.3556708 -0.2533663} {-0.6666844 1.6164812 0.0157685} {0.0176399 -0.0427706 0.9421031} } name XYZ_to_Rec._2020_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -98 } Output { name Output xpos 0 ypos -74 } end_group push $N531d2c00 Group { name XYZ_D50_to_ROMM_RGB xpos -5059 ypos 1143 addUserKnob {20 XYZ_D50_to_RGB_Tab l "XYZ D50 to ROMM_RGB"} addUserKnob {20 parameters_endGroup l endGroup n -1} addUserKnob {20 about_Tab l About} addUserKnob {26 description_Text l "" +STARTLINE T "XYZ D50 to ROMM_RGB v0.1.2\n\ - July 10, 2016\n\nThis Gizmo / Group transforms from CIE XYZ D50 tristimulus values to ROMM_RGB colourspace using CAT02 chromatic adaptation transform."} } Input { inputs 0 name Input xpos 0 ypos -149 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {1 0 0} {0 1 0} {0 0 1} } name D50_to_D50_CAT02_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -125 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {1.3458865 -0.2556031 -0.0510373} {-0.54448 1.5080962 0.0204769} {0 0 1.2122682} } name XYZ_to_ROMM_RGB_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -98 } Output { name Output xpos 0 ypos -74 } end_group push $N531d2c00 Group { name XYZ_D50_to_RIMM_RGB xpos -5209 ypos 1143 addUserKnob {20 XYZ_D50_to_RGB_Tab l "XYZ D50 to RIMM_RGB"} addUserKnob {20 parameters_endGroup l endGroup n -1} addUserKnob {20 about_Tab l About} addUserKnob {26 description_Text l "" +STARTLINE T "XYZ D50 to RIMM_RGB v0.1.2\n\ - July 10, 2016\n\nThis Gizmo / Group transforms from CIE XYZ D50 tristimulus values to RIMM_RGB colourspace using CAT02 chromatic adaptation transform."} } Input { inputs 0 name Input xpos 0 ypos -149 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {1 0 0} {0 1 0} {0 0 1} } name D50_to_D50_CAT02_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -125 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {1.3458865 -0.2556031 -0.0510373} {-0.54448 1.5080962 0.0204769} {0 0 1.2122682} } name XYZ_to_RIMM_RGB_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -98 } Output { name Output xpos 0 ypos -74 } end_group push $N531d2c00 Group { name XYZ_D50_to_REDcolor4 xpos -5359 ypos 1143 addUserKnob {20 XYZ_D50_to_RGB_Tab l "XYZ D50 to REDcolor4"} addUserKnob {20 parameters_endGroup l endGroup n -1} addUserKnob {20 about_Tab l About} addUserKnob {26 description_Text l "" +STARTLINE T "XYZ D50 to REDcolor4 v0.1.2\n\ - July 10, 2016\n\nThis Gizmo / Group transforms from CIE XYZ D50 tristimulus values to REDcolor4 colourspace using CAT02 chromatic adaptation transform."} } Input { inputs 0 name Input xpos 0 ypos -149 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {0.971151 -0.0217941 0.0460105} {-0.0157324 1.0000539 0.018321} {0.0009712 0.0030832 1.2177917} } name D50_to_D60_CAT02_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -125 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {2.7606374 -1.2039645 -0.4222196} {-0.8152302 1.7406574 0.0356538} {0.0663723 -0.0515436 0.9796685} } name XYZ_to_REDcolor4_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -98 } Output { name Output xpos 0 ypos -74 } end_group push $N531d2c00 Group { name XYZ_D50_to_REDcolor3 xpos -5509 ypos 1143 addUserKnob {20 XYZ_D50_to_RGB_Tab l "XYZ D50 to REDcolor3"} addUserKnob {20 parameters_endGroup l endGroup n -1} addUserKnob {20 about_Tab l About} addUserKnob {26 description_Text l "" +STARTLINE T "XYZ D50 to REDcolor3 v0.1.2\n\ - July 10, 2016\n\nThis Gizmo / Group transforms from CIE XYZ D50 tristimulus values to REDcolor3 colourspace using CAT02 chromatic adaptation transform."} } Input { inputs 0 name Input xpos 0 ypos -149 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {0.971151 -0.0217941 0.0460105} {-0.0157324 1.0000539 0.018321} {0.0009712 0.0030832 1.2177917} } name D50_to_D60_CAT02_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -125 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {2.5610626 -1.1185998 -0.3183767} {-0.7499284 1.6079051 0.1055795} {0.0663738 -0.0515444 0.9796678} } name XYZ_to_REDcolor3_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -98 } Output { name Output xpos 0 ypos -74 } end_group push $N531d2c00 Group { name XYZ_D50_to_REDcolor2 xpos -5659 ypos 1143 addUserKnob {20 XYZ_D50_to_RGB_Tab l "XYZ D50 to REDcolor2"} addUserKnob {20 parameters_endGroup l endGroup n -1} addUserKnob {20 about_Tab l About} addUserKnob {26 description_Text l "" +STARTLINE T "XYZ D50 to REDcolor2 v0.1.2\n\ - July 10, 2016\n\nThis Gizmo / Group transforms from CIE XYZ D50 tristimulus values to REDcolor2 colourspace using CAT02 chromatic adaptation transform."} } Input { inputs 0 name Input xpos 0 ypos -149 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {0.971151 -0.0217941 0.0460105} {-0.0157324 1.0000539 0.018321} {0.0009712 0.0030832 1.2177917} } name D50_to_D60_CAT02_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -125 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {2.5254045 -1.1103547 -0.2928773} {-0.4845878 1.3682864 0.0925377} {0.2575004 -0.1403015 0.8871654} } name XYZ_to_REDcolor2_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -98 } Output { name Output xpos 0 ypos -74 } end_group push $N531d2c00 Group { name XYZ_D50_to_REDcolor xpos -5809 ypos 1143 addUserKnob {20 XYZ_D50_to_RGB_Tab l "XYZ D50 to REDcolor"} addUserKnob {20 parameters_endGroup l endGroup n -1} addUserKnob {20 about_Tab l About} addUserKnob {26 description_Text l "" +STARTLINE T "XYZ D50 to REDcolor v0.1.2\n\ - July 10, 2016\n\nThis Gizmo / Group transforms from CIE XYZ D50 tristimulus values to REDcolor colourspace using CAT02 chromatic adaptation transform."} } Input { inputs 0 name Input xpos 0 ypos -149 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {0.971151 -0.0217941 0.0460105} {-0.0157324 1.0000539 0.018321} {0.0009712 0.0030832 1.2177917} } name D50_to_D60_CAT02_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -125 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {2.9652421 -1.3977527 -0.4233375} {-0.7972597 1.7005557 0.0584349} {0.1303555 -0.1851798 1.0517155} } name XYZ_to_REDcolor_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -98 } Output { name Output xpos 0 ypos -74 } end_group push $N531d2c00 Group { name XYZ_D50_to_ProPhoto_RGB xpos -5959 ypos 1143 addUserKnob {20 XYZ_D50_to_RGB_Tab l "XYZ D50 to ProPhoto_RGB"} addUserKnob {20 parameters_endGroup l endGroup n -1} addUserKnob {20 about_Tab l About} addUserKnob {26 description_Text l "" +STARTLINE T "XYZ D50 to ProPhoto_RGB v0.1.2\n\ - July 10, 2016\n\nThis Gizmo / Group transforms from CIE XYZ D50 tristimulus values to ProPhoto_RGB colourspace using CAT02 chromatic adaptation transform."} } Input { inputs 0 name Input xpos 0 ypos -149 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {1 0 0} {0 1 0} {0 0 1} } name D50_to_D50_CAT02_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -125 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {1.3458865 -0.2556031 -0.0510373} {-0.54448 1.5080962 0.0204769} {0 0 1.2122682} } name XYZ_to_ProPhoto_RGB_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -98 } Output { name Output xpos 0 ypos -74 } end_group push $N531d2c00 Group { name XYZ_D50_to_Pal/Secam_RGB xpos -6109 ypos 1143 addUserKnob {20 XYZ_D50_to_RGB_Tab l "XYZ D50 to Pal/Secam_RGB"} addUserKnob {20 parameters_endGroup l endGroup n -1} addUserKnob {20 about_Tab l About} addUserKnob {26 description_Text l "" +STARTLINE T "XYZ D50 to Pal/Secam_RGB v0.1.2\n\ - July 10, 2016\n\nThis Gizmo / Group transforms from CIE XYZ D50 tristimulus values to Pal/Secam_RGB colourspace using CAT02 chromatic adaptation transform."} } Input { inputs 0 name Input xpos 0 ypos -149 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {0.9598633 -0.0293718 0.0657319} {-0.0212343 0.9988909 0.0261607} {0.0013724 0.0044402 1.3129173} } name D50_to_D65_CAT02_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -125 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {3.0633611 -1.3933902 -0.4758237} {-0.9692436 1.8759675 0.0415551} {0.067861 -0.2287993 1.0690896} } name XYZ_to_Pal/Secam_RGB_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -98 } Output { name Output xpos 0 ypos -74 } end_group push $N531d2c00 Group { name XYZ_D50_to_NTSC_RGB xpos -6259 ypos 1143 addUserKnob {20 XYZ_D50_to_RGB_Tab l "XYZ D50 to NTSC_RGB"} addUserKnob {20 parameters_endGroup l endGroup n -1} addUserKnob {20 about_Tab l About} addUserKnob {26 description_Text l "" +STARTLINE T "XYZ D50 to NTSC_RGB v0.1.2\n\ - July 10, 2016\n\nThis Gizmo / Group transforms from CIE XYZ D50 tristimulus values to NTSC_RGB colourspace using CAT02 chromatic adaptation transform."} } Input { inputs 0 name Input xpos 0 ypos -149 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {0.9615914 -0.0162162 0.0844302} {-0.0121341 0.9841088 0.0334407} {0.0015793 0.0061369 1.4235645} } name D50_to_C_CAT02_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -125 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {1.9100814 -0.5324779 -0.288222} {-0.9846313 1.9991 -0.0283072} {0.0583094 -0.1183858 0.8976121} } name XYZ_to_NTSC_RGB_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -98 } Output { name Output xpos 0 ypos -74 } end_group push $N531d2c00 Group { name XYZ_D50_to_Max_RGB xpos -6409 ypos 1143 addUserKnob {20 XYZ_D50_to_RGB_Tab l "XYZ D50 to Max_RGB"} addUserKnob {20 parameters_endGroup l endGroup n -1} addUserKnob {20 about_Tab l About} addUserKnob {26 description_Text l "" +STARTLINE T "XYZ D50 to Max_RGB v0.1.2\n\ - July 10, 2016\n\nThis Gizmo / Group transforms from CIE XYZ D50 tristimulus values to Max_RGB colourspace using CAT02 chromatic adaptation transform."} } Input { inputs 0 name Input xpos 0 ypos -149 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {1 0 0} {0 1 0} {0 0 1} } name D50_to_D50_CAT02_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -125 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {1.2169928 -0.1358093 -0.0457294} {-0.5470464 1.5105539 0.0205557} {0 0 1.2119675} } name XYZ_to_Max_RGB_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -98 } Output { name Output xpos 0 ypos -74 } end_group push $N531d2c00 Group { name XYZ_D50_to_Ekta_Space_PS_5 xpos -6559 ypos 1143 addUserKnob {20 XYZ_D50_to_RGB_Tab l "XYZ D50 to Ekta_Space_PS_5"} addUserKnob {20 parameters_endGroup l endGroup n -1} addUserKnob {20 about_Tab l About} addUserKnob {26 description_Text l "" +STARTLINE T "XYZ D50 to Ekta_Space_PS_5 v0.1.2\n\ - July 10, 2016\n\nThis Gizmo / Group transforms from CIE XYZ D50 tristimulus values to Ekta_Space_PS_5 colourspace using CAT02 chromatic adaptation transform."} } Input { inputs 0 name Input xpos 0 ypos -149 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {1 0 0} {0 1 0} {0 0 1} } name D50_to_D50_CAT02_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -125 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {2.003366 -0.7301387 -0.244452} {-0.7121546 1.6207657 0.0799437} {0.0381866 -0.0869075 1.2726681} } name XYZ_to_Ekta_Space_PS_5_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -98 } Output { name Output xpos 0 ypos -74 } end_group push $N531d2c00 Group { name XYZ_D50_to_ERIMM_RGB xpos -6709 ypos 1143 addUserKnob {20 XYZ_D50_to_RGB_Tab l "XYZ D50 to ERIMM_RGB"} addUserKnob {20 parameters_endGroup l endGroup n -1} addUserKnob {20 about_Tab l About} addUserKnob {26 description_Text l "" +STARTLINE T "XYZ D50 to ERIMM_RGB v0.1.2\n\ - July 10, 2016\n\nThis Gizmo / Group transforms from CIE XYZ D50 tristimulus values to ERIMM_RGB colourspace using CAT02 chromatic adaptation transform."} } Input { inputs 0 name Input xpos 0 ypos -149 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {1 0 0} {0 1 0} {0 0 1} } name D50_to_D50_CAT02_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -125 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {1.3458865 -0.2556031 -0.0510373} {-0.54448 1.5080962 0.0204769} {0 0 1.2122682} } name XYZ_to_ERIMM_RGB_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -98 } Output { name Output xpos 0 ypos -74 } end_group push $N531d2c00 Group { name XYZ_D50_to_ECI_RGB_v2 xpos -6859 ypos 1143 addUserKnob {20 XYZ_D50_to_RGB_Tab l "XYZ D50 to ECI_RGB_v2"} addUserKnob {20 parameters_endGroup l endGroup n -1} addUserKnob {20 about_Tab l About} addUserKnob {26 description_Text l "" +STARTLINE T "XYZ D50 to ECI_RGB_v2 v0.1.2\n\ - July 10, 2016\n\nThis Gizmo / Group transforms from CIE XYZ D50 tristimulus values to ECI_RGB_v2 colourspace using CAT02 chromatic adaptation transform."} } Input { inputs 0 name Input xpos 0 ypos -149 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {1 0 0} {0 1 0} {0 0 1} } name D50_to_D50_CAT02_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -125 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {1.782156 -0.4965632 -0.269011} {-0.9592343 1.9484446 -0.0284317} {0.0861275 -0.1749466 1.3233403} } name XYZ_to_ECI_RGB_v2_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -98 } Output { name Output xpos 0 ypos -74 } end_group push $N531d2c00 Group { name XYZ_D50_to_Don_RGB_4 xpos -7009 ypos 1143 addUserKnob {20 XYZ_D50_to_RGB_Tab l "XYZ D50 to Don_RGB_4"} addUserKnob {20 parameters_endGroup l endGroup n -1} addUserKnob {20 about_Tab l About} addUserKnob {26 description_Text l "" +STARTLINE T "XYZ D50 to Don_RGB_4 v0.1.2\n\ - July 10, 2016\n\nThis Gizmo / Group transforms from CIE XYZ D50 tristimulus values to Don_RGB_4 colourspace using CAT02 chromatic adaptation transform."} } Input { inputs 0 name Input xpos 0 ypos -149 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {1 0 0} {0 1 0} {0 0 1} } name D50_to_D50_CAT02_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -125 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {1.7581913 -0.486592 -0.2530881} {-0.7112839 1.652253 0.0407645} {0.0071774 -0.0345995 1.2455128} } name XYZ_to_Don_RGB_4_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -98 } Output { name Output xpos 0 ypos -74 } end_group push $N531d2c00 Group { name XYZ_D50_to_DRAGONcolor2 xpos -7159 ypos 1143 addUserKnob {20 XYZ_D50_to_RGB_Tab l "XYZ D50 to DRAGONcolor2"} addUserKnob {20 parameters_endGroup l endGroup n -1} addUserKnob {20 about_Tab l About} addUserKnob {26 description_Text l "" +STARTLINE T "XYZ D50 to DRAGONcolor2 v0.1.2\n\ - July 10, 2016\n\nThis Gizmo / Group transforms from CIE XYZ D50 tristimulus values to DRAGONcolor2 colourspace using CAT02 chromatic adaptation transform."} } Input { inputs 0 name Input xpos 0 ypos -149 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {0.971151 -0.0217941 0.0460105} {-0.0157324 1.0000539 0.018321} {0.0009712 0.0030832 1.2177917} } name D50_to_D60_CAT02_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -125 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {2.699086 -1.1541013 -0.4135229} {-0.72103 1.6622637 0.0244073} {0.1221744 -0.0518761 0.9273035} } name XYZ_to_DRAGONcolor2_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -98 } Output { name Output xpos 0 ypos -74 } end_group push $N531d2c00 Group { name XYZ_D50_to_DRAGONcolor xpos -7309 ypos 1143 addUserKnob {20 XYZ_D50_to_RGB_Tab l "XYZ D50 to DRAGONcolor"} addUserKnob {20 parameters_endGroup l endGroup n -1} addUserKnob {20 about_Tab l About} addUserKnob {26 description_Text l "" +STARTLINE T "XYZ D50 to DRAGONcolor v0.1.2\n\ - July 10, 2016\n\nThis Gizmo / Group transforms from CIE XYZ D50 tristimulus values to DRAGONcolor colourspace using CAT02 chromatic adaptation transform."} } Input { inputs 0 name Input xpos 0 ypos -149 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {0.971151 -0.0217941 0.0460105} {-0.0157324 1.0000539 0.018321} {0.0009712 0.0030832 1.2177917} } name D50_to_D60_CAT02_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -125 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {2.3900712 -1.0219252 -0.2527363} {-0.6199164 1.4567121 0.1326779} {0.1221737 -0.0518762 0.9273043} } name XYZ_to_DRAGONcolor_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -98 } Output { name Output xpos 0 ypos -74 } end_group push $N531d2c00 Group { name XYZ_D50_to_DCI-P3+ xpos -7459 ypos 1143 addUserKnob {20 XYZ_D50_to_RGB_Tab l "XYZ D50 to DCI-P3+"} addUserKnob {20 parameters_endGroup l endGroup n -1} addUserKnob {20 about_Tab l About} addUserKnob {26 description_Text l "" +STARTLINE T "XYZ D50 to DCI-P3+ v0.1.2\n\ - July 10, 2016\n\nThis Gizmo / Group transforms from CIE XYZ D50 tristimulus values to DCI-P3+ colourspace using CAT02 chromatic adaptation transform."} } Input { inputs 0 name Input xpos 0 ypos -149 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {0.9518624 -0.0565236 0.0402782} {-0.0401282 1.0252297 0.0163201} {0.0011696 0.0019442 1.1529979} } name D50_to_DCI-P3_CAT02_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -125 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {1.9904035 -0.5613959 -0.2296619} {-0.4584928 1.262346 0.1548755} {0.0156321 -0.004409 1.0377287} } name XYZ_to_DCI-P3+_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -98 } Output { name Output xpos 0 ypos -74 } end_group push $N531d2c00 Group { name XYZ_D50_to_DCI-P3 xpos -7609 ypos 1143 addUserKnob {20 XYZ_D50_to_RGB_Tab l "XYZ D50 to DCI-P3"} addUserKnob {20 parameters_endGroup l endGroup n -1} addUserKnob {20 about_Tab l About} addUserKnob {26 description_Text l "" +STARTLINE T "XYZ D50 to DCI-P3 v0.1.2\n\ - July 10, 2016\n\nThis Gizmo / Group transforms from CIE XYZ D50 tristimulus values to DCI-P3 colourspace using CAT02 chromatic adaptation transform."} } Input { inputs 0 name Input xpos 0 ypos -149 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {0.9518624 -0.0565236 0.0402782} {-0.0401282 1.0252297 0.0163201} {0.0011696 0.0019442 1.1529979} } name D50_to_DCI-P3_CAT02_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -125 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {2.725394 -1.018003 -0.4401632} {-0.795168 1.6897321 0.0226472} {0.0412419 -0.087639 1.1009294} } name XYZ_to_DCI-P3_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -98 } Output { name Output xpos 0 ypos -74 } end_group push $N531d2c00 Group { name XYZ_D50_to_ColorMatch_RGB xpos -7759 ypos 1143 addUserKnob {20 XYZ_D50_to_RGB_Tab l "XYZ D50 to ColorMatch_RGB"} addUserKnob {20 parameters_endGroup l endGroup n -1} addUserKnob {20 about_Tab l About} addUserKnob {26 description_Text l "" +STARTLINE T "XYZ D50 to ColorMatch_RGB v0.1.2\n\ - July 10, 2016\n\nThis Gizmo / Group transforms from CIE XYZ D50 tristimulus values to ColorMatch_RGB colourspace using CAT02 chromatic adaptation transform."} } Input { inputs 0 name Input xpos 0 ypos -149 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {1 0 0} {0 1 0} {0 0 1} } name D50_to_D50_CAT02_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -125 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {2.6416498 -1.2231318 -0.3929195} {-1.1120717 2.059195 0.0159628} {0.082182 -0.2807668 1.4562021} } name XYZ_to_ColorMatch_RGB_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -98 } Output { name Output xpos 0 ypos -74 } end_group push $N531d2c00 Group { name XYZ_D50_to_Cinema_Gamut xpos -7909 ypos 1143 addUserKnob {20 XYZ_D50_to_RGB_Tab l "XYZ D50 to Cinema_Gamut"} addUserKnob {20 parameters_endGroup l endGroup n -1} addUserKnob {20 about_Tab l About} addUserKnob {26 description_Text l "" +STARTLINE T "XYZ D50 to Cinema_Gamut v0.1.2\n\ - July 10, 2016\n\nThis Gizmo / Group transforms from CIE XYZ D50 tristimulus values to Cinema_Gamut colourspace using CAT02 chromatic adaptation transform."} } Input { inputs 0 name Input xpos 0 ypos -149 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {0.9598633 -0.0293718 0.0657319} {-0.0212343 0.9988909 0.0261607} {0.0013724 0.0044402 1.3129173} } name D50_to_D65_CAT02_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -125 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {1.4898183 -0.2608959 -0.1424265} {-0.4581666 1.2616278 0.1596236} {-0.0703497 0.2215577 0.7761816} } name XYZ_to_Cinema_Gamut_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -98 } Output { name Output xpos 0 ypos -74 } end_group push $N531d2c00 Group { name XYZ_D50_to_CIE_RGB xpos -8059 ypos 1143 addUserKnob {20 XYZ_D50_to_RGB_Tab l "XYZ D50 to CIE_RGB"} addUserKnob {20 parameters_endGroup l endGroup n -1} addUserKnob {20 about_Tab l About} addUserKnob {26 description_Text l "" +STARTLINE T "XYZ D50 to CIE_RGB v0.1.2\n\ - July 10, 2016\n\nThis Gizmo / Group transforms from CIE XYZ D50 tristimulus values to CIE_RGB colourspace using CAT02 chromatic adaptation transform."} } Input { inputs 0 name Input xpos 0 ypos -149 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {0.9937107 0.0105843 0.037795} {0.0071274 0.9808863 0.0148355} {0.0005548 0.0031069 1.2075538} } name D50_to_E_CAT02_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -125 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {2.370674 -0.9000403 -0.4706337} {-0.5138848 1.4253035 0.0885813} {0.0052982 -0.0146949 1.0093967} } name XYZ_to_CIE_RGB_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -98 } Output { name Output xpos 0 ypos -74 } end_group push $N531d2c00 Group { name XYZ_D50_to_Beta_RGB xpos -8209 ypos 1143 addUserKnob {20 XYZ_D50_to_RGB_Tab l "XYZ D50 to Beta_RGB"} addUserKnob {20 parameters_endGroup l endGroup n -1} addUserKnob {20 about_Tab l About} addUserKnob {26 description_Text l "" +STARTLINE T "XYZ D50 to Beta_RGB v0.1.2\n\ - July 10, 2016\n\nThis Gizmo / Group transforms from CIE XYZ D50 tristimulus values to Beta_RGB colourspace using CAT02 chromatic adaptation transform."} } Input { inputs 0 name Input xpos 0 ypos -149 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {1 0 0} {0 1 0} {0 0 1} } name D50_to_D50_CAT02_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -125 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {1.6829707 -0.4281711 -0.2359826} {-0.7710715 1.7066647 0.0446928} {0.0400065 -0.0885492 1.2725308} } name XYZ_to_Beta_RGB_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -98 } Output { name Output xpos 0 ypos -74 } end_group push $N531d2c00 Group { name XYZ_D50_to_Best_RGB xpos -8359 ypos 1143 addUserKnob {20 XYZ_D50_to_RGB_Tab l "XYZ D50 to Best_RGB"} addUserKnob {20 parameters_endGroup l endGroup n -1} addUserKnob {20 about_Tab l About} addUserKnob {26 description_Text l "" +STARTLINE T "XYZ D50 to Best_RGB v0.1.2\n\ - July 10, 2016\n\nThis Gizmo / Group transforms from CIE XYZ D50 tristimulus values to Best_RGB colourspace using CAT02 chromatic adaptation transform."} } Input { inputs 0 name Input xpos 0 ypos -149 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {1 0 0} {0 1 0} {0 0 1} } name D50_to_D50_CAT02_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -125 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {1.7573718 -0.4853802 -0.2535991} {-0.5419967 1.504754 0.0216834} {0.0066622 -0.0184962 1.2265984} } name XYZ_to_Best_RGB_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -98 } Output { name Output xpos 0 ypos -74 } end_group push $N531d2c00 Group { name XYZ_D50_to_Apple_RGB xpos -8509 ypos 1143 addUserKnob {20 XYZ_D50_to_RGB_Tab l "XYZ D50 to Apple_RGB"} addUserKnob {20 parameters_endGroup l endGroup n -1} addUserKnob {20 about_Tab l About} addUserKnob {26 description_Text l "" +STARTLINE T "XYZ D50 to Apple_RGB v0.1.2\n\ - July 10, 2016\n\nThis Gizmo / Group transforms from CIE XYZ D50 tristimulus values to Apple_RGB colourspace using CAT02 chromatic adaptation transform."} } Input { inputs 0 name Input xpos 0 ypos -149 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {0.9598633 -0.0293718 0.0657319} {-0.0212343 0.9988909 0.0261607} {0.0013724 0.0044402 1.3129173} } name D50_to_D65_CAT02_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -125 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {2.9519785 -1.2896043 -0.4739153} {-1.0850836 1.9908093 0.0372017} {0.0854722 -0.2694297 1.0910277} } name XYZ_to_Apple_RGB_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -98 } Output { name Output xpos 0 ypos -74 } end_group push $N531d2c00 Group { name XYZ_D50_to_Adobe_Wide_Gamut_RGB xpos -8659 ypos 1143 addUserKnob {20 XYZ_D50_to_RGB_Tab l "XYZ D50 to Adobe_Wide_Gamut_RGB"} addUserKnob {20 parameters_endGroup l endGroup n -1} addUserKnob {20 about_Tab l About} addUserKnob {26 description_Text l "" +STARTLINE T "XYZ D50 to Adobe_Wide_Gamut_RGB v0.1.2\n\ - July 10, 2016\n\nThis Gizmo / Group transforms from CIE XYZ D50 tristimulus values to Adobe_Wide_Gamut_RGB colourspace using CAT02 chromatic adaptation transform."} } Input { inputs 0 name Input xpos 0 ypos -149 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {1 0 0} {0 1 0} {0 0 1} } name D50_to_D50_CAT02_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -125 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {1.4623042 -0.1845256 -0.273381} {-0.5228683 1.4479884 0.0681262} {0.0346004 -0.0958196 1.2876605} } name XYZ_to_Adobe_Wide_Gamut_RGB_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -98 } Output { name Output xpos 0 ypos -74 } end_group push $N531d2c00 Group { name XYZ_D50_to_Adobe_RGB_(1998) xpos -8809 ypos 1143 addUserKnob {20 XYZ_D50_to_RGB_Tab l "XYZ D50 to Adobe_RGB_(1998)"} addUserKnob {20 parameters_endGroup l endGroup n -1} addUserKnob {20 about_Tab l About} addUserKnob {26 description_Text l "" +STARTLINE T "XYZ D50 to Adobe_RGB_(1998) v0.1.2\n\ - July 10, 2016\n\nThis Gizmo / Group transforms from CIE XYZ D50 tristimulus values to Adobe_RGB_(1998) colourspace using CAT02 chromatic adaptation transform."} } Input { inputs 0 name Input xpos 0 ypos -149 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {0.9598633 -0.0293718 0.0657319} {-0.0212343 0.9988909 0.0261607} {0.0013724 0.0044402 1.3129173} } name D50_to_D65_CAT02_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -125 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {2.0415822 -0.5650135 -0.3447325} {-0.9692306 1.8759769 0.0415559} {0.0134474 -0.1183655 1.0151719} } name XYZ_to_Adobe_RGB_(1998)_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -98 } Output { name Output xpos 0 ypos -74 } end_group push $N531d2c00 Group { name XYZ_D50_to_ALEXA_Wide_Gamut_RGB xpos -8959 ypos 1143 addUserKnob {20 XYZ_D50_to_RGB_Tab l "XYZ D50 to ALEXA_Wide_Gamut_RGB"} addUserKnob {20 parameters_endGroup l endGroup n -1} addUserKnob {20 about_Tab l About} addUserKnob {26 description_Text l "" +STARTLINE T "XYZ D50 to ALEXA_Wide_Gamut_RGB v0.1.2\n\ - July 10, 2016\n\nThis Gizmo / Group transforms from CIE XYZ D50 tristimulus values to ALEXA_Wide_Gamut_RGB colourspace using CAT02 chromatic adaptation transform."} } Input { inputs 0 name Input xpos 0 ypos -149 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {0.9598633 -0.0293718 0.0657319} {-0.0212343 0.9988909 0.0261607} {0.0013724 0.0044402 1.3129173} } name D50_to_D65_CAT02_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -125 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {1.7890645 -0.4825338 -0.200075} {-0.6398487 1.3964001 0.1944322} {-0.041531 0.082335 0.8788682} } name XYZ_to_ALEXA_Wide_Gamut_RGB_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -98 } Output { name Output xpos 0 ypos -74 } end_group push $N531d2c00 Group { name XYZ_D50_to_ACESproxy xpos -9109 ypos 1143 addUserKnob {20 XYZ_D50_to_RGB_Tab l "XYZ D50 to ACESproxy"} addUserKnob {20 parameters_endGroup l endGroup n -1} addUserKnob {20 about_Tab l About} addUserKnob {26 description_Text l "" +STARTLINE T "XYZ D50 to ACESproxy v0.1.2\n\ - July 10, 2016\n\nThis Gizmo / Group transforms from CIE XYZ D50 tristimulus values to ACESproxy colourspace using CAT02 chromatic adaptation transform."} } Input { inputs 0 name Input xpos 0 ypos -149 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {0.971151 -0.0217941 0.0460105} {-0.0157324 1.0000539 0.018321} {0.0009712 0.0030832 1.2177917} } name D50_to_D60_CAT02_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -125 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {1.6410234 -0.3248033 -0.2364247} {-0.6636629 1.6153316 0.0167563} {0.0117219 -0.0082844 0.9883949} } name XYZ_to_ACESproxy_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -98 } Output { name Output xpos 0 ypos -74 } end_group push $N531d2c00 Group { name XYZ_D50_to_ACEScg xpos -9259 ypos 1143 addUserKnob {20 XYZ_D50_to_RGB_Tab l "XYZ D50 to ACEScg"} addUserKnob {20 parameters_endGroup l endGroup n -1} addUserKnob {20 about_Tab l About} addUserKnob {26 description_Text l "" +STARTLINE T "XYZ D50 to ACEScg v0.1.2\n\ - July 10, 2016\n\nThis Gizmo / Group transforms from CIE XYZ D50 tristimulus values to ACEScg colourspace using CAT02 chromatic adaptation transform."} } Input { inputs 0 name Input xpos 0 ypos -149 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {0.971151 -0.0217941 0.0460105} {-0.0157324 1.0000539 0.018321} {0.0009712 0.0030832 1.2177917} } name D50_to_D60_CAT02_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -125 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {1.6410234 -0.3248033 -0.2364247} {-0.6636629 1.6153316 0.0167563} {0.0117219 -0.0082844 0.9883949} } name XYZ_to_ACEScg_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -98 } Output { name Output xpos 0 ypos -74 } end_group push $N531d2c00 Group { name XYZ_D50_to_ACEScc xpos -9409 ypos 1143 addUserKnob {20 XYZ_D50_to_RGB_Tab l "XYZ D50 to ACEScc"} addUserKnob {20 parameters_endGroup l endGroup n -1} addUserKnob {20 about_Tab l About} addUserKnob {26 description_Text l "" +STARTLINE T "XYZ D50 to ACEScc v0.1.2\n\ - July 10, 2016\n\nThis Gizmo / Group transforms from CIE XYZ D50 tristimulus values to ACEScc colourspace using CAT02 chromatic adaptation transform."} } Input { inputs 0 name Input xpos 0 ypos -149 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {0.971151 -0.0217941 0.0460105} {-0.0157324 1.0000539 0.018321} {0.0009712 0.0030832 1.2177917} } name D50_to_D60_CAT02_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -125 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {1.6410234 -0.3248033 -0.2364247} {-0.6636629 1.6153316 0.0167563} {0.0117219 -0.0082844 0.9883949} } name XYZ_to_ACEScc_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -98 } Output { name Output xpos 0 ypos -74 } end_group push $N531d2c00 Group { name XYZ_D50_to_ACES2065-1 xpos -9559 ypos 1143 addUserKnob {20 XYZ_D50_to_RGB_Tab l "XYZ D50 to ACES2065-1"} addUserKnob {20 parameters_endGroup l endGroup n -1} addUserKnob {20 about_Tab l About} addUserKnob {26 description_Text l "" +STARTLINE T "XYZ D50 to ACES2065-1 v0.1.2\n\ - July 10, 2016\n\nThis Gizmo / Group transforms from CIE XYZ D50 tristimulus values to ACES2065-1 colourspace using CAT02 chromatic adaptation transform."} } Input { inputs 0 name Input xpos 0 ypos -149 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {0.971151 -0.0217941 0.0460105} {-0.0157324 1.0000539 0.018321} {0.0009712 0.0030832 1.2177917} } name D50_to_D60_CAT02_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -125 } ColorMatrix { matrix { {1.049811 0 -9.75e-05} {-0.495903 1.373313 0.09824} {0 0 0.991252} } name XYZ_to_ACES2065-1_ColorMatrix xpos 0 ypos -98 } Output { name Output xpos 0 ypos -74 } end_group Switch { inputs 41 which {{parent.colorspace}} name colourspace_Switch xpos -3560 ypos 1334 addUserKnob {20 User} addUserKnob {4 colourspace_Pulldown_Choice l Colourspace M {ACES2065-1 ACEScc ACEScg ACESproxy "ALEXA Wide Gamut RGB" "Adobe RGB (1998)" "Adobe Wide Gamut RGB" "Apple RGB" "Best RGB" "Beta RGB" "CIE RGB" "Cinema Gamut" "ColorMatch RGB" DCI-P3 DCI-P3+ DRAGONcolor DRAGONcolor2 "Don RGB 4" "ECI RGB v2" "ERIMM RGB" "Ekta Space PS 5" "Max RGB" "NTSC RGB" "Pal/Secam RGB" "ProPhoto RGB" REDcolor REDcolor2 REDcolor3 REDcolor4 "RIMM RGB" "ROMM RGB" "Rec. 2020" "Rec. 709" "Russell RGB" S-Gamut S-Gamut3 S-Gamut3.Cine "SMPTE-C RGB" V-Gamut "Xtreme RGB" sRGB}} } Output { name Output xpos -3560 ypos 1502 } end_group Grid { number {6 4} size {{}} color 0 name Grid1 xpos 1170 ypos -224 } Copy { inputs 2 from0 rgba.alpha to0 mask.a name Copy1 xpos 1170 ypos -160 } Output { name Output xpos 1170 ypos -58 } StickyNote { inputs 0 name StickyNote1 tile_color 0x767676ff gl_color 0x767676ff label "
\nCOLOUR RENDITION CHART v2.1\n\ - July 17, 2019\n\nThis file defines the X-Rite ColorChecker 2005 (ColorChecker24 - Before November 2014) and 2014 (ColorChecker24 - After November 2014) Classic Colour Rendition Charts.\n\nReference samples colours are converted from CIE XYZ tristimulus values (derived from XRite L*a*b* D50 data \[1]\[2]) to RGB colourspace.\n\nMatrices converting from CIE XYZ tristimulus to RGB colourspace were computed using CAT02 chromatic adaptation transform.\n\nThe following RGB colourspaces are implemented:\n\n- ACES2065-1\n- ACEScc\n- ACEScct\n- ACEScg\n- ACESproxy\n- ALEXA Wide Gamut\n- Adobe RGB (1998)\n- Adobe Wide Gamut RGB\n- Apple RGB\n- Best RGB\n- Beta RGB\n- CIE RGB\n- Cinema Gamut\n- ColorMatch RGB\n- DCDM XYZ\n- DCI-P3\n- DCI-P3+\n- DJI D-Gamut\n- DRAGONcolor\n- DRAGONcolor2\n- Don RGB 4\n- ECI RGB v2\n- ERIMM RGB\n- Ekta Space PS 5\n- F-Gamut\n- FilmLight E-Gamut\n- ITU-R BT.2020\n- ITU-R BT.470 - 525\n- ITU-R BT.470 - 625\n- ITU-R BT.709\n- Max RGB\n- NTSC (1953)\n- NTSC (1987)\n- P3-D65\n- Pal/Secam\n- ProPhoto RGB\n- Protune Native\n- REDWideGamutRGB\n- REDcolor\n- REDcolor2\n- REDcolor3\n- REDcolor4\n- RIMM RGB\n- ROMM RGB\n- Russell RGB\n- S-Gamut\n- S-Gamut3\n- S-Gamut3.Cine\n- SMPTE 240M\n- SMPTE C\n- Sharp RGB\n- V-Gamut\n- Xtreme RGB\n- sRGB\n\nRendered colour rendition charts can be downloaded at those urls:\n\n\nMore information is available here:\n\nLatest version of the file will always be available at this url:\n\n\[1] BabelColor. (2012). ColorChecker RGB and spectra. Retrieved from\n\[2] X-Rite. (2015). New color specifications for\n    ColorChecker SG and Classic Charts. Retrieved October 29, 2018,\n    from\n\n\n"
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  box_width {{input.to3.x}}
  box_height {{input.to3.y}}
  box_fixed true
  resize none
  center false
  black_outside true
  name ReformatBox
  xpos 180
  ypos -1114
 Dot {
  name Dot6
  label " "
  note_font "Helvetica Bold"
  note_font_size 24
  note_font_color 0xa5a5a501
  xpos 214
  ypos -1038
set N5350a400 [stack 0]
 Merge2 {
  inputs 2
  bbox B
  name Merge2
  xpos 180
  ypos -802
  disable {{parent.disable_overlay}}
 Dot {
  name Dot2
  label " "
  note_font "Helvetica Bold"
  note_font_size 24
  note_font_color 0xa5a5a501
  xpos 214
  ypos -486
push $N53554c00
 CornerPin2D {
  to1 {{parent.BL} {parent.BL}}
  to2 {{parent.BR} {parent.BR}}
  to3 {{parent.TR} {parent.TR}}
  to4 {{parent.TL} {parent.TL}}
  invert false
  shutteroffset centred
  from1 {0 0}
  from2 {{input.width} 0}
  from3 {{input.width} {input.height}}
  from4 {0 {input.height}}
  name CornerPin2D2
  xpos 620
  ypos -730
 Reformat {
  type "to box"
  box_width {{parent.Input.width}}
  box_height {{parent.Input.height}}
  box_fixed true
  box_pixel_aspect {{parent.Input.pixel_aspect}}
  resize none
  center false
  name Reformat1
  xpos 620
  ypos -682
 Dot {
  name Dot4
  label " "
  note_font "Helvetica Bold"
  note_font_size 24
  note_font_color 0xa5a5a501
  xpos 654
  ypos -630
push $N5350bc00
 Merge2 {
  inputs 2
  bbox B
  name Merge1
  xpos -40
  ypos -634
  disable {{parent.disable_overlay}}
 Switch {
  inputs 2
  which {{parent.output_compare}}
  name Compare
  xpos -40
  ypos -490
 Output {
  name Output
  xpos -40
  ypos -370
push $N53555400
 NoOp {
  name macbeth_points
  xpos 510
  ypos -1042
  addUserKnob {20 macbeth_points}
  addUserKnob {12 p11}
  p11 {{"(input.width / 6) * 1 - (input.width / 12)"} {"(input.height / 4) * 4 - (input.height / 4 / 2)"}}
  addUserKnob {12 p12}
  p12 {{"(input.width / 6) * 2 - (input.width / 12)"} {"(input.height / 4) * 4 - (input.height / 4 / 2)"}}
  addUserKnob {12 p13}
  p13 {{"(input.width / 6) * 3 - (input.width / 12)"} {"(input.height / 4) * 4 - (input.height / 4 / 2)"}}
  addUserKnob {12 p14}
  p14 {{"(input.width / 6) * 4 - (input.width / 12)"} {"(input.height / 4) * 4 - (input.height / 4 / 2)"}}
  addUserKnob {12 p15}
  p15 {{"(input.width / 6) * 5 - (input.width / 12)"} {"(input.height / 4) * 4 - (input.height / 4 / 2)"}}
  addUserKnob {12 p16}
  p16 {{"(input.width / 6) * 6 - (input.width / 12)"} {"(input.height / 4) * 4 - (input.height / 4 / 2)"}}
  addUserKnob {26 ""}
  addUserKnob {12 p21}
  p21 {{"(input.width / 6) * 1 - (input.width / 12)"} {"(input.height / 4) * 3 - (input.height / 4 / 2)"}}
  addUserKnob {12 p22}
  p22 {{"(input.width / 6) * 2 - (input.width / 12)"} {"(input.height / 4) * 3 - (input.height / 4 / 2)"}}
  addUserKnob {12 p23}
  p23 {{"(input.width / 6) * 3 - (input.width / 12)"} {"(input.height / 4) * 3 - (input.height / 4 / 2)"}}
  addUserKnob {12 p24}
  p24 {{"(input.width / 6) * 4 - (input.width / 12)"} {"(input.height / 4) * 3 - (input.height / 4 / 2)"}}
  addUserKnob {12 p25}
  p25 {{"(input.width / 6) * 5 - (input.width / 12)"} {"(input.height / 4) * 3 - (input.height / 4 / 2)"}}
  addUserKnob {12 p26}
  p26 {{"(input.width / 6) * 6 - (input.width / 12)"} {"(input.height / 4) * 3 - (input.height / 4 / 2)"}}
  addUserKnob {26 ""}
  addUserKnob {12 p31}
  p31 {{"(input.width / 6) * 1 - (input.width / 12)"} {"(input.height / 4) * 2 - (input.height / 4 / 2)"}}
  addUserKnob {12 p32}
  p32 {{"(input.width / 6) * 2 - (input.width / 12)"} {"(input.height / 4) * 2 - (input.height / 4 / 2)"}}
  addUserKnob {12 p33}
  p33 {{"(input.width / 6) * 3 - (input.width / 12)"} {"(input.height / 4) * 2 - (input.height / 4 / 2)"}}
  addUserKnob {12 p34}
  p34 {{"(input.width / 6) * 4 - (input.width / 12)"} {"(input.height / 4) * 2 - (input.height / 4 / 2)"}}
  addUserKnob {12 p35}
  p35 {{"(input.width / 6) * 5 - (input.width / 12)"} {"(input.height / 4) * 2 - (input.height / 4 / 2)"}}
  addUserKnob {12 p36}
  p36 {{"(input.width / 6) * 6 - (input.width / 12)"} {"(input.height / 4) * 2 - (input.height / 4 / 2)"}}
  addUserKnob {26 ""}
  addUserKnob {12 p41}
  p41 {{"(input.width / 6) * 1 - (input.width / 12)"} {"(input.height / 4) * 1 - (input.height / 4 / 2)"}}
  addUserKnob {12 p42}
  p42 {{"(input.width / 6) * 2 - (input.width / 12)"} {"(input.height / 4) * 1 - (input.height / 4 / 2)"}}
  addUserKnob {12 p43}
  p43 {{"(input.width / 6) * 3 - (input.width / 12)"} {"(input.height / 4) * 1 - (input.height / 4 / 2)"}}
  addUserKnob {12 p44}
  p44 {{"(input.width / 6) * 4 - (input.width / 12)"} {"(input.height / 4) * 1 - (input.height / 4 / 2)"}}
  addUserKnob {12 p45}
  p45 {{"(input.width / 6) * 5 - (input.width / 12)"} {"(input.height / 4) * 1 - (input.height / 4 / 2)"}}
  addUserKnob {12 p46}
  p46 {{"(input.width / 6) * 6 - (input.width / 12)"} {"(input.height / 4) * 1 - (input.height / 4 / 2)"}}
push $N5350a400
 Multiply {
  channels rgb
  value {{dst/src}}
  name Normalize
  xpos 290
  ypos -1042
  addUserKnob {20 Normalize}
  addUserKnob {7 src R 0 4}
  src 0.18
  addUserKnob {7 dst R 0 4}
  dst 0.18
# Creation Time=Mon Jun 28 09:31:05 2021
# Creator=Martin